Baltimore's unjust water policy disproportionately burdens Black families, but now the Water Accountability and Equity Act has passed! Thank the Mayor, the Council President, and your [...]
Last Sunday, hundreds of people came together to celebrate local organizing and to lift up powerful honorees SEIU 32BJ, Bruce and Susie Turnbull, Betsy Krieger and Karen Kreisberg, and keynote [...]
Officers' disciplinary records should be available to the public, to increase trust and accountability between the community and the police. We urge Delegate Rosenberg to stand strong in his [...]
After a year long community engagement process, the Montgomery County Council is about to vote on a new Racial Equity and Social Justice policy for Montgomery County that will help our government [...]
Voters decided in 2018 that we wanted Fair Elections when we supported Question H at the ballot box. Now Councilman Burnett's bill is making the Fair Elections Fund a reality.
Baltimore's unjust water policy disproportionately burdens Black families. Write to the Mayor and the Council to tell them: Water justice means racial justice.
After years of police misconduct and abuse, everyone in our city knows that we need to hold our police department accountable.
Silencing victims of police brutality through gag orders is the [...]