At its core, Sukkot is a holiday that forces us to think about the places we reside and the spaces we occupy. Join BAYITT and JUFJ for a special Shabbat in the Sukkah featuring services, a [...]
Join JUFJ for a Fair Share Canvass on September 8 and help us work to pass the Fair Share for Maryland Plan so corporations and the wealthiest pay their fair share.
Please join us at a film screening of Ain't No Back to a Merry Go-Round, which is a documentary about the first organized interracial civil rights protest in U.S. history & took place in [...]
Jewish sacred texts teach us that the world was created with both justice and mercy. Here in Maryland, children who are charged with certain crimes are sentenced as if they were adults. That is [...]
Jewish tradition teaches that in a just world, all people — regardless of race, income, or zip code — would have what the Torah calls dei machsoro, resources sufficient for their needs. Join [...]
Jewish sacred texts teach us that the world was created with both justice and mercy. Here in Maryland, children who are charged with certain crimes are sentenced as if they were adults. That is [...]
Jewish tradition teaches that in a just world, all people — regardless of race, income, or zip code — would have what the Torah calls dei machsoro, resources sufficient for their needs. Join [...]
Jewish tradition teaches that in a just world, all people — regardless of race, income, or zip code — would have what the Torah calls dei machsoro, resources sufficient for their needs. Join [...]
Join JUFJers from across Baltimore to discuss our ongoing issue campaign work. We will share updates for all the local campaigns and brainstorm on how to move the work forward.