Maryland Purim 2025 / 5785
March 9 - March 11

Purim is a joyful Jewish holiday that commemorates the story of Queen Esther, a biblical heroine who used the power she had been granted to help those in her community who were under threat. Every year on (or near) Purim, JUFJ activists deliver mishloach manot (bags of sweet gifts) to state and local legislators, along with a reminder of what our legislative priorities are for this year. But we can’t make these sweet deliveries without your help.
We are packing 420 bags to deliver to statewide and Montgomery County elected officials. You can contribute time, money, or gifts to these bags. Let us know below what you can contribute, whether that is packing bags, delivering bags to legislators, donating supplies, or donating money to offset the cost of making all of this happen.
Join us for:
- Packing gift bags on Sunday, March 9 at 10:30 AM in Laurel, 1:00 PM in Baltimore, or 3:00 PM in Rockville
- Delivering gift bags to Maryland statewide elected officials on Monday, March 10 at 5:00 PM in Annapolis
- Delivering gift bags to Montgomery County elected officials on Tuesday, March 11 at 12:00 PM in Rockville
Costumes (and kids) are welcome, both to pack bags and to deliver them!
Help us gather the food materials for 420 mishloach manot (gift bags), as part of our Purim advocacy in Annapolis and Rockville! These bags will go to legislators and their staffers, along with 1-pagers about our issue areas. We are collecting 1,300 hamantaschen, 1,300 pieces of candy, 420 clementines, 420 bags of salty snacks, and 420 juice boxes.
Here is the Supplies Reference Guide to see examples of what people have purchased in the past.