A Budget is a Moral Document
You are commanded to provide the needy with whatever they lack – Maimonides, Mishneh Torah
JUFJ works to ensure that all people in Montgomery County have what our Torah calls dei machsoro, resources sufficient for their needs. We advocate for a budget that enhances desperately needed funds for vital social services, living up to our values as a caring, progressive community.
Serving Our Community’s Vulnerable Residents
Manna Food Center, Jewish Foundation for Group Home, JSSA, Interfaith Works, Sunflower Bakery, and many more organizations our community supports receive grants from our local government. The county is planning to fund those grants at the same level for next year as they are for this year. Due to inflation and the rising cost of living, Montgomery County nonprofits will have smaller budgets this year than last year.
Nonprofits need annual grant increases to cover expenses that go up each year to ensure they can serve the most vulnerable residents of our community. JUFJ is working with Nonprofit Montgomery to ask our Councilmembers to increase the Health and Human Services budget by 3%.
All Children Deserve a Strong Start
Parents, teachers, government, and all sorts of organizations agree that providing quality, affordable care and education for young children is a priority. We especially need to support families who are struggling to make ends meet while preparing their children for school success.
County Executive Marc Elrich has included $7 million in new funding to add 600 new early childhood education seats for the county’s most vulnerable kids. JUFJ is asking our Councilmembers to support this new funding for early childhood education and commit to adding an addition $7 million each of the next 3 years.
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Photo by Audrey Rothstein Photography (audreyrothstein.com).