See below for leader testimony in support of the Baltimore County Fair Election Fund, Bill 102-21, written by Mark Sugarman.
County Code – The Baltimore County Fair Election Fund
To the Honorable John Olszewski, Jr. Baltimore County Executive and the members of the Baltimore County Council,
I am submitting this testimony in support of Baltimore County Bill 102-21, the Fair Election Fund. Our County Council and County Executive know well the costs to run an election in Baltimore County. Most people do not have access to that type of money to run an independent campaign, or even one that demands total fundraising to cover the costs. Because of this, good voices that have good ideas for the progress of our county are not able to participate in the process. Baltimore County needs diverse ideas to make better decisions for our diverse county. The opportunity to bring out these voices in a way that is just not shuffled to the bottom of the opinion pile is to have them in the room before AND during the discussion in the decision-making process. WE have an opportunity and a responsibility to the residents and businesses in Baltimore County to bring out these ideas and to put them into action. The Baltimore County Fair Election Fund will allow for more diversity and access in our local elections.
We should do our best to improve the leveling of the election process for all of Baltimore County residents to benefit all of Baltimore County. There will be a cost to do this but the cost of not passing the bill is even larger. Casting our nets over a larger area will bring us new bounties that we had not imagined earlier.
I thank you for your consideration, and respectfully urge you to pass Bill 102-21.