In Baltimore, MD, Immigration, Maryland State, MD Housing Justice, MD Immigrant Rights, MD Paid Family Leave, Montgomery County, MD, Police Accountability, Racial Equity
JUFJers deliver mishloach manot in Annapolis for Purim

Purim is a joyful Jewish holiday that commemorates the story of Queen Esther, who used her power to help her community during challenging times — and at JUFJ, there are so many ways to celebrate!

On Thursday, March 2, beginning at 9:00 AM, we are delivering mishloach manot, bags of sweet gifts, to our Maryland state legislators, along with a reminder of our legislative priorities for this year’s General Assembly session. You can get involved by joining us in Annapolis or donating supplies or money — sign up to deliver or donate supplies below (hamantaschen are especially welcome)!

We’re also making a second round of deliveries to our local elected officials in Montgomery County on Tuesday, March 7 (Purim Day) and Baltimore City on Wednesday, March 8 (Shushan Purim). Sign up in your jurisdiction below!

After we make this sweet delivery in Annapolis on Thursday, March 2, we will participate in two important bill hearings later in the afternoon — join us in in person (click here for logistics details) or virtually (you will receive a Zoom link to our watch party upon registering) to support critical legislation to make our communities more safe, fair, and just!

  • Labor Justice Hearing/Watch Party: Support SB828 to clarify details of the Time to Care Act to ensure accessible and equitable paid family and medical leave.
  • Court and Prison Reform/Watch Party: Support HB96 (the YES Act) to end the racist practice of automatically charging youths as adults.
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