2019 Social Justice Seder
Sunday, March 31, 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Chevrei Tzedek Congregation
at the Myerberg Center
3101 Fallstaff Rd
Baltimore, MD 21209
How can we ensure the equitable distribution of shared resources like water? What can the story of Exodus teach us about the role of water in the journey to freedom? How will we, as a community grounded in Jewish values, stand up for those values?
Join us for our 6th Annual Baltimore Social Justice Seder, a night of discussion, music, speakers, food and friends, as we retell our people’s freedom story and take action for water justice in Baltimore.
As a sponsor, you can make this event powerful and successful. For sponsorships of $500 or more, please make your gift by check to avoid processing fees.
If you are giving by check, please mail your check, made out to Jews United for Justice, to:
Jews United for Justice
1100 H St NW, Ste 630
Washington, DC 20005
Please write “Social Justice Seder 2019” in the memo line.