Thanks for joining us for the 2024 Heschel Vision Awards!
The Heschel Vision Awards is JUFJ’s largest event of the year, and this year’s celebration took place on Sunday, December 8 at 5:00 PM at Third Space at Shaarei Tfiloh in Baltimore, MD. We celebrated a decade of organizing in Baltimore, the leadership of this year’s honorees, and victories from DC, Montgomery County, and across Maryland in the past year.
Even though the event is over, you can still give a gift in honor of the 2024 Heschel Vision Awards honorees, Laura Menyuk, Michelle Engelmann, and the Public Justice Center.
2024 Honorees

Michelle Engelmann
for her leadership in the campaign for economic justice for early childhood educators, and for supporting emerging JUFJ leaders in DC.

Laura Menyuk
for her leadership building an educated and connected community of activism in Baltimore.
Elissa Froman Honoree

Public Justice Center
for their leadership and partnership to advance justice in Montgomery County and across Maryland.
Featured Performer and Speakers

Batya Levine
A communal song leader, shaliach tzibur (Jewish prayer leader) and cultural organizer who uses song as a tool for cultivating healing and resilience.

Rachel Chang
A Jewish musician, songleader, and educator, as well as a music therapist. Drawing from the many communities and identities that have shaped her, Rachel leads with expressive guitar, sensitive listening, and a deep intention to cultivate belonging.
About the Heschel Vision Awards
In 1998, a small group of longtime activists and younger community organizers founded JUFJ after being inspired to action at a class on the teachings of Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel. Rabbi Heschel saw the teachings of the Prophets as a call for social action in our time, and he was a prominent leader in the civil rights and antiwar movements of the 1960s.
Many of the hallmarks of JUFJ’s work—commitment to multicultural and interfaith coalitions, and concern for the most vulnerable in our society—are founded on Heschel’s teachings and the movements he helped lead.
For many of us the march from Selma to
Montgomery was both protest and prayer…
Even without words, our march was worship.
I felt my legs were praying.
— Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, 1965
About the Elissa Froman Heschel Vision Award
In 2010, we honored Elissa Froman z”l, a civil rights activist and JUFJ leader, with a Heschel Vision Award. Elissa embodied not only the best of Rabbi Heschel’s teachings, but also the core of JUFJ: building relationships and (sacred) community, and then working collectively to make change. Elissa passed away, far too early, in 2013. We honor her memory, and her passion and commitment to community and justice.
“And what does the Creator require of you but to do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with your G-d.” — Micah 6:8
“With humor and humility, Elissa did more to heal our fractured world in her short life than most can hope to do in a lifetime. She will forever be missed, but always remembered as our social justice hero.” — Remembrance of Elissa Froman by Joanna Blotner, 2013
Event Details
Location — We are excited to hold this year’s Awards in Baltimore in recognition and celebration of 10 years of JUFJ’s work in the city.
Food — Light refreshments will be served. The food at this event will be certified kosher and vegetarian. Vegan option will be available.
Transportation — There will be a bus to Baltimore leaving from DC (3:00 PM from Adas Israel) and from Silver Spring (3:30 PM from Veteran’s Plaza). The bus is free but reservations are required. Indicate which stop you would like to use when you register.
Sponsor a bus seat — Help us cover the cost of transportation to this event. Add a $36 donation to your ticket to sponsor a seat on our buses.
ASL interpretation — This event will have live ASL interpretation.
The Heschel Vision Awards is our largest event of the year. It is also our largest fundraiser! Become a sponsor to power our work all year long. Sponsorships are available at a variety of levels and come with a number of benefits. Select your sponsorship level at registration.
Previous Heschel Honorees
Abigail, Emma, and Zoe Levine
Adat Shalom Reconstructionist Congregation
Ana María Archila
Rabbi Arthur Waskow
The Bainum Family Foundation
Barbara Kraft
Ben & Beth Wikler
Betsy Krieger & Karen Kreisberg
Rabbi Bob Saks
Bruce and Susie Turnbull
Claire Landers
David (z”l) & Carla (z”l) Cohen
David Fishback
David Krakow
Rabbi David Shneyer
The DC Initiative on Racial Equity and its Coordinating Committee, accepted by co-facilitators Alicia Wilson and Dushaw Hockett
Eli & Kavitha Kasargod-Staub
Elissa Froman (z”l)
Councilmember Elissa Silverman
The England Family Foundation
George Derek Musgrove
Gustavo Torres
Heather Booth
Ilyse Hogue
Isabel “Liz” Dunst
Representative Jamie Raskin
Councilmember Janeese Lewis George
Jerry Levine & Sarah Pokempner
Jessica Champagne & Max Toth
Senator Jill P. Carter
Jo Shifrin
Joanna Blotner
Joanna Silver
Joelle Novey
Jonathan Stern (z”l) & Karen Paul
Joslyn Williams
Attorney General Karl A. Racine
Kesh Ladduwahetty
Laura Menyuk
Margie Klein
Governor Martin O’Malley
Mary Ann Stein (z”l)
Michelle Engelmann
Nicole Berner
Nikki Cole
Public Justice Center
Roberta “Bert” Ritvo
Roxie Herbekian & Ken Zinn
Rubie Coles
Ruth Messinger
Ruti Kadish
Sam Rosen Jewler
Shelley Moskowitz
Simon Greer
Tara Huffman
Tikkun Olam Women’s Foundation
Toni Holness
Tracie Guy-Decker
UFCW Local 400’s Political & Community Affairs Team, represented by Dyana Forester and Kim Mitchell