JUFJ’s DC team works in coalition with partners to build power and push for a District where everyone has what they need to live and thrive. We mobilize the Jewish community to win local campaigns for economic justice and racial equity. Our current campaigns include a variety of housing security and economic justice issues, from fair treatment for street vendors to preventing chronic homelessness to higher pay for early childhood educators.

We are a member organization of many coalitions including the Under 3 DC Coalition, the Fair Budget Coalition, the Way Home Campaign, and Hands Off DC.

Related Events

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    February 18 | 6:00 pm8:00 pm

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  • DC Economic Justice Working Group

    February 19 | 6:00 pm7:30 pm

    Everyone in DC should have what the Torah calls dei machsoro, resources sufficient to meet their needs. Join our Economic Justice Working Group meeting on Zoom or in person to discuss our current campaigns, and how we are working with our partners to build a DC where everyone can live and thrive.

  • DC Housing Security Working Group

    February 26 | 6:30 pm8:00 pm

    Jewish sacred texts recognize that having safe, stable housing is key to a healthy society. Join our Housing Security Working Group meeting in person or on Zoom to discuss our current campaigns, and how we are working with our partners to ensure that everyone in DC has a safe, stable, affordable pla…

  • Think Jewishly, Act Locally: Speaking Your Truth To Power (DC)

    February 27 | 6:00 pm8:00 pm

    Research shows that simply providing statistics around an issue is not enough to move people to make change; personal stories and connecting the issue to real people’s lives is a necessary component. Sharing our stories with those in power is one of the best ways to move the needle on social justi…

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