ACTION ALERT: Tell your state legislators to support housing justice
JUFJ is supporting housing justice during the Maryland General Assembly’s 2025 legislative session to help us build a Maryland where everyone has a safe place to live. Tell your Maryland state legislators to support this justice agenda.
We can’t leave our kids behind: Youth Justice Shabbat and Solidarity Week, and the Importance of Activism
Read about JUFJ’s second Youth Justice Shabbat and Solidarity Week!
Restorative Justice Matters: JUFJ Testimony on the Montgomery County Public Schools FY26 Budget
Read JUFJer Lisa’s testimony in support of restorative justice in Montgomery County Public Schools.
ACTION ALERT: Stand with Maryland and DC Immigrants
All people — no matter where we come from, what our religion is, or what language we speak — should be able to live in peace with our families. But certain politicians in the federal government are trying to consolidate their power by tearing communities apart and sowing fear and division based on where people were born. Contact your state or local representatives and tell them to use their power to protect immigrant families and keep communities whole. We must come together, across differences of race or religion or birthplace, to demand a government that lives up to the promise of liberty and justice for all.
ACTION ALERT: Tell your state legislators to support youth justice
JUFJ is supporting youth justice during the Maryland General Assembly’s 2025 legislative session to help us build a Maryland where kids are given the chance to grow, rather than being punished. Tell your Maryland state legislators to support this justice agenda.
Read JUFJ’s Letter in Response to Anti-Black Violence at Wootton High School
Read JUFJ’s statement to address the recent anti-Black violence occurring in Montgomery County Schools.
Sign the Under 3 DC Petition
Every child in DC should have a healthy childhood and a quality education, no matter their race, family wealth, or neighborhood. Every educator should have the resources they need to thrive, and to sustain their own families. Sign the Jews United for Justice petition in support of Under 3 DC, and we will be in touch about how you can help make change here in the District.
Share your DC Paid Leave story
Sharing your paid leave story is critical to protecting and expanding DC’s groundbreaking paid family and medical leave program. Hearing the stories and personal narratives of community members is an important component of moving elected officials to take action on the issues that matter to parents, caregivers, and all working people.
MLK Day Screening and Panel Cosponsors
Jews United for Justice and our congregation partners are hosting our eighth annual Martin Luther King Day film screening and panel discussion in 2025. Sign your organization up as a cosponsor to be part of this important economic justice event in Baltimore.
Looking forward: Local and State Wins from November’s Elections
Read JUFJ Executive Director Jacob Feinspan’s thoughts on this year’s election.
Defeating Question H: A Campaign Victory From A JUFJer’s Perspective
Read about what it was like being part of the Not for Sale Campaign from JUFJer Terry F.!
Ready, Set, Go: Kicking off the 2025 Maryland State Legislative Session with JUFJ!
Read about JUFJ’s 2025 Maryland Statewide Kickoff and learn about our campaigns this year!
JUFJ Recap: Labor on the Bimah Was a Success!
Read about JUFJ’s 2024 Labor on the Bimah program and learn about our campaigns for economic justice!
Labor on the Bimah 2024
Celebrate Labor Day by spreading the word about fair taxation and economic justice in Maryland and DC!
Labor on the Bimah 2024
Celebrate Labor Day by bringing JUFJ’s campaigns for economic justice to your congregation’s Shabbat services. Let us know how you want to get involved.
ACTION ALERT: Demand a moral DC budget
Budgets are moral documents on both sides of the ledger. Who pays what taxes and what we choose to invest in reflect where we want to go as a city. The current draft of the budget woefully underfunds important housing programs, cuts the pay of early childhood educators and perpetuates wealth and racial inequality – but DC Council can change that. Tell your Councilmembers to pass a moral budget.
2024 Maryland General Assembly Legislative Session: Wrap Up
Read JUFJ’s wrap up of the 2024 Maryland General Assembly Legislative Session!
JUFJ Testimony on the Montgomery County FY25 Budget
Read JUFJer Mara’s testimony on the Montgomery County FY25 budget.
ACTION ALERT: Support Montgomery County’s Freedom to Leave Act
The Freedom to Leave Act (Bill 2-24) will ban consent searches in Montgomery County. Please email each of your Councilmembers to ask for their support for the Freedom to Leave Act.
JUFJ Testimony on The Freedom to Leave Act
Read JUFJer Jerry’s testimony on supporting The Freedom to Leave Act in Montgomery County.
JUFJ Testimony on the Fair Share for Maryland Plan
Read JUFJer Jerry’s testimony on supporting The Fair Share for Maryland Act!
JUFJ Testimony on Gender Affirming Care and Treatment
Read JUFJer Mara’s testimony on support of gender affirming care in Maryland.
#TestimonyTuesday: Just Cause Eviction Provisions
Read JUFJer Danielle’s testimony about why Just Cause Eviction laws are good for our state.
#TestimonyTuesday: Opposing The Juvenile Justice Restoration Act of 2024
Read JUFJer Sam’s testimony about what the Juvenile Justice Restoration Act would threaten juvenile justice and undermine progress we have made.
#TestimonyTuesday: Opposing SB #0120
Read JUFJer Sue’s testimony about why SB0120 puts youth justice at risk.
ACTION ALERT: Tell your state legislators to support the Fair Share for Maryland Plan
Help us build a Maryland for everyone, regardless of how much money they have, where they were born, or how old they are. Tell your Maryland state legislators to support the Fair Share for Maryland Plan!
Using Our Power for Change: Youth Justice Shabbat and Solidarity Week Recap!
Read about JUFJ’s first ever Youth Justice Shabbat and Solidarity Week!
#TestimonyTuesday: JUFJ Testimony Opposing Odor Searches
Read JUFJer Karen’s testimony on opposing marijuana odor searches in Maryland.
#TestimonyTuesday: JUFJ Testimony Supporting Restorative Justice in Montgomery County Schools
Watch JUFJer Ellie provide testimony about their support of restorative justice in Montgomery County Public Schools.
#TestimonyTuesday: JUFJ Testimony Supporting the establishing of the Rental Assistance for Community School Families Program
Read JUFJer Deedee’s testimony on supporting rental assistance programs in Community School across Maryland!
#TestimonyTuesday: JUFJ Testimony Against Montgomery County Bill 43-23
My name is Marilyn Kresky-Wolff. I am a resident of Potomac, in District 1, and formerly: the director of Everymind’s Adult Homeless Mental Health Services, the past ED of NAMI of Baltimore, the co-founder of a pioneering residential program for people in psychiatric crisis in DC, and the Founding Executive Director of Open Arms Housing, the first program in DC to house chronically homeless women using a Housing First approach. I am testifying on behalf of Jews United for Justice in opposition to Bill 43-23, which would significantly modify mental health crisis response in Montgomery County.
Think Jewishly, Act Locally
The popular “Think Jewishly, Act Locally” workshop series, hosted by JUFJ and the Edlavitch DCJCC’s Morris Cafritz Center for Social Responsibility, is returning in February, 2025! RSVP for a workshop, and sign your organization up as a cosponsor to be part of these trainings on Jewish changemaking in DC.
#TestimonyTuesday: JUFJ Testimony in Support of Funding DHCA for Rent Stabilization Implementation
See JUFJ’s testimony in support of funding for the Department of Housing and Community Affairs to implement rent stabilization in Montgomery County. Former JUFJ intern Sara Mitchell wrote this testimony to the Montgomery County Council.
Downloadable guide: Sukkot and Housing Justice 5784
Incorporate questions of housing justice into your celebration of Sukkot with the help of this new downloadable guide.
#TestimonyTuesday: JUFJ Testimony in Opposition to Bill 32-23
JUFJer Heidi Rhodes testified in opposition to Bill 32-23, which would undermine police accountability and transparency in Montgomery County.
Jeff Reiser: Invest in Restorative Justice, Montgomery County!
Jeff Reiser: A school culture that prioritizes restorative justice is a school culture where everyone feels safe and supported and where everyone has the opportunity to flourish.
דע לפני מי אתה עומד – “Know before whom you stand.”
Earlier this summer, Maryland Governor Wes Moore spoke at a live recording of Slate’s “Political Gabfest,” sitting on the Bimah at 6th & I Historic Synagogue, in front of an ark holding the Torahs and underneath these very words — “know before whom you stand.” There, he spoke about increasing opportunities and creating wraparound services for young people. One of the hosts asked him about a policy in the state of Maryland to automatically charge children as adults when they are accused of certain crimes.
Action Alert: Oppose Scott Richman for the Baltimore County PAB
Take action with our partners in the Baltimore County Coalition for Police Accountability
Letter to the Montgomery County Council: stable housing is a Jewish value
Add your name to this letter to the Montgomery County Council, and JUFJ will share the letter with Councilmembers on Monday, July 17, 2023 before their
vote on rent stabilization the next day. Rent stabilization is a crucial piece of making sure that the thousands of families who rent their homes in our County are not forced out of their homes or out of Montgomery County.
Juneteenth 2023
Juneteenth events are happening around our region. Here are some events that JUFJ has been asked to promote.
Reflection on Shavuot and Keeping Baltimore Renters Housed
Rachel Franklin reflects on what she enjoyed and learned from participating in JUFJ’s Purim Action in Baltimore City.
Action Alert: No Tax Cuts for DC Millionaires
Tell the DC Council: No Tax Cuts for Multi-Millionaires, Keep Working Families in Their Homes
Action Alert: Respectfully Urge Governor Moore to Sign Our Bills
Take action to encourage Governor Moore to make key bills law!
Action Alert: Baltimore’s budget must support renters
Baltimore City’s budget must invest in safe, fair, affordable housing to assist the Black renters disproportionately at risk of eviction.
#TestimonyTuesday: JUFJ Testimony in Support of the STEP Act
JUFJer Heidi Rhodes testified in support of the STEP Act, which would reduce police involvement in traffic stops in Montgomery County.
#TestimonyTuesday: JUFJ Testimony on Baltimore City FY24 Preliminary Budget
Nowhere are the values of our leaders more clearly stated than in the budget they produce and pass.
2023 Maryland General Assembly Legislative Session: Wrap Up
The Maryland General Assembly has adjourned for the year. See what we accomplished, where we experienced setbacks, and how we can continue to bring more equity and justice to our region moving forward.
#TestimonyTuesday: JUFJ Testimony on Montgomery County FY24 Operating Budget
Nowhere are the values of our leaders more clearly stated than in the budget they produce and pass.
The movement for rent stabilization in Montgomery County is gaining momentum!
Rachel Franklin reflects on what she enjoyed and learned from participating in JUFJ’s Purim Action in Baltimore City.
Action Alert: Sine Die 2023
Take action as the Maryland General Assembly session comes to a close!
Organization Sign On: Interfaith Immigration Justice
Clergy and leaders representing faith-based organizations and places of worship throughout the State of Maryland are calling for the support and leadership of the Maryland legislators in passing crucial immigration legislation during the 2023 General Assembly session.
#TestimonyTuesday: JUFJ Testimony in Support of Meaningful Rent Stabilization in Montgomery County
JUFJer Rafi Glazer testifies in support of the HOME Act, which would enact meaningful rent stabilization in Montgomery County.
Celebrating Purim in a new way, with JUFJ
Rachel Franklin reflects on what she enjoyed and learned from participating in JUFJ’s Purim Action in Baltimore City.
Crossover Day 2023: Where Are We Now?
Crossover Day has passed. Now it’s time to assess where our bills are, and how we can bring more equity and justice to our region by the end of the General Assembly session.
Dismantling antisemitism: Reception remarks
Rachel Franklin reflects on what she enjoyed and learned from participating in JUFJ’s Purim Action in Baltimore City.
Action Alert: Crossover Day 2023
Take action as the Maryland General Assembly reaches Crossover Day!
ACTION ALERT: Fund Paid Leave Implementation
Adequate funding is necessary to ensure strong and equitable implementation of paid and family medical leave.
#TestimonyTuesday: JUFJ Testimony in Support of Strong Paid Family & Medical Leave Implementation
Last year, we and our partners successfully pushed for the passage of the Time To Care Act, which guaranteed Paid Family and Medical Leave for millions of Maryland workers. This year we are fighting for strong and equitable implementation of the program and for the burden of paying the program to be shared fairly between employees and employers.
#TestimonyTuesday: JUFJ Testimony in Support of Funding for Women’s Prerelease Facility
Prerelease programs help people nearing the end of their prison sentences secure employment, housing, drug treatment, mental health services, and family support. There are multiple such facilities for men in Maryland, but none for women. JUFJ and our partners in the Women’s Prerelease Equity Coalition succeeded in getting legislation mandating the construction of a center passed last session and now are advocating for full funding be included in the FY24 budget.
ACTION ALERT: Maryland renters need safety, stability, and fairness!
All Maryland renters deserve safe and stable housing, and fairness from landlords. Urge Governor Moore and your state legislators to protect renters’ rights!
ACTION ALERT: Fund Women’s Prerelease Services
It is time to fully fund women’s prerelease in Maryland to provide incarcerated women access to critical resources and opportunities for them to successfully return to their communities.
#TestimonyTuesday: JUFJ Testimony in Support of Local Control of Baltimore Police
Enabling legislation passed into law by the Maryland General Assembly in 2021 states in clear and simple language that the BPD would become a City agency on January 1, 2023 provided only that the residents of Baltimore City ratify a city charter amendment. And so we did! More than 132,000 Baltimore residents voted on Question H (the local control ballot measure), and the vast majority – over 82% – favored it.
#TestimonyTuesday: JUFJ Testimony in Support of Strong Paid Family & Medical Leave Implementation
Last year, we and our partners successfully pushed for the passage of the Time To Care Act, which guaranteed Paid Family and Medical Leave for millions of Maryland workers. This year we are fighting for strong and equitable implementation of the program and for the burden of paying the program to be shared fairly between employees and employers.
ACTION ALERT: Maryland Working Families Need a Fair and Effective Paid Leave Program
Marylanders need strong and equitable implementation of paid and family medical leave.
#TestimonyTuesday: JUFJ Testimony in Support of Local Control of Baltimore Police
Enabling legislation passed into law by the Maryland General Assembly in 2021 states in clear and simple language that the BPD would become a City agency on January 1, 2023 provided only that the residents of Baltimore City ratify a city charter amendment. And so we did! More than 132,000 Baltimore residents voted on Question H (the local control ballot measure), and the vast majority – over 82% – favored it.
Celebrate Purim with JUFJ!
Jews United for Justice is preparing written and video materials about what’s at stake in the upcoming local elections. Would you like the materials, including a recorded program, and/or would you like to present a program for your community?
ACTION ALERT: Police can’t police themselves
Police Can’t Police Themselves: Demand Independent Investigatory Powers for Police Accountability Boards
ACTION ALERT: Healthcare Is A Human Right
Healthcare is a Human Right: Demand Affordable Care Act Inclusion for Undocumented Immigrants
#TestimonyTuesday: JUFJ Testimony in Support of ACA Inclusion
See below for JUFJ’s testimony on Health Insurance - Qualified Resident Enrollment Program (Access to Care Act), SB365/HB588. JUFJ's position of this bill was favorable with amendments. Anna Rubin wrote [...]
#TestimonyTuesday: Jenna Israel – DMHHS Performance Oversight
JUFJ is a member of the Way Home Campaign, a DC coalition working to end homelessness in DC, and supports the coalition’s ask that the DC Council stop all encampment clearings during the pandemic in accordance with CDC guidance, and to stop the creation of all no-camping or no-tent zones.
#TestimonyTuesday: JUFJ Testimony in Support of the YES Act
Jewish history and values have long recognized the differing capacities of children and adults. Yetzer harah, the “evil inclination,” is seen as a drive toward pleasure that can be tempered by yetzer hatov, the “good inclination” or moral sense that leads to benefits toward oneself and society. The ability to “tame” the basic instincts, yetzer harah, with higher level reasoning, yetzer hatov, grows stronger as we mature, warranting different treatment of children and adults.
In response to antisemitic actions in 2/7/23 Judicial Proceedings Committee hearing
When gun safety opponents invoke the Holocaust to portray themselves as victims of oppression — as SB1 opponents did on their signs and with the stars of David they wore to the hearing — they are actively harming Jews in Maryland. The appropriation of the yellow star that Nazis forced Jews to wear traumatizes many in our community, and turns our suffering into a ghoulish Halloween costume. To use that symbolism against a Jewish politician like Vice Chair Waldstreicher, who is working to address gun violence, is simply unspeakable.
#TestimonyTuesday: JUFJ Testimony in Support of Investigatory Powers for Police Accountability Boards
Community oversight of the police needs to be strengthened.
ACTION ALERT: Keep Marylanders Housed!
All Marylanders deserve stable, affordable housing, but a critical eviction prevention tool is at risk of vanishing without action from our state’s leaders. Urge Governor Moore and your state legislators to keep Marylanders housed!
ACTION ALERT: No More Hurdles: We Need Local Police Control Now
Maryland should join the 26 other states who have ended the racist practice of automatically charging youth as adults – we must pass the Youth Equity and Safety Act. Fill in your information below to urge your state legislators to support this legislation.
#TestimonyTuesday: JUFJ Testimony in Support of Emergency Rental Assistance
Over the last year, the need for an equal power balance in rent court has grown more urgent.
ACTION ALERT: Reduce Senseless Police Violence: Ban Odor Searches
Ban cannabis odor searches to reduce harmful police interactions and unjust criminalization
#TestimonyTuesday: JUFJ Testimony in Support of Banning Cannabis Odor Searches
Over the last year, the need for an equal power balance in rent court has grown more urgent.
ACTION ALERT: Treat Children with Dignity, Respect, and Fairness
Maryland should join the 26 other states who have ended the racist practice of automatically charging youth as adults – we must pass the Youth Equity and Safety Act. Fill in your information below to urge your state legislators to support this legislation.
#TestimonyTuesday: JUFJ Testimony in Support of Holding Illegally Operating Landlords Accountable
Over the last year, the need for an equal power balance in rent court has grown more urgent.
Reflection: Housing Security in DC
A message from the outgoing co-chairs of our DC Housing Security working group, and an announcement of the next chair.
ACTION ALERT: Keep Baltimore County Police out of police oversight
Baltimore County’s proposed Bill 58-22 would allow retired law enforcement officers to be appointed to what are supposed to be civilian-led bodies for police accountability. Write to your County Councilmember and Executive to tell them: police shouldn’t be in charge of police oversight.
#TestimonyTuesday: Charlotte Hovland – Green New Deal for Housing
JUFJ is a member of the Way Home Campaign, a DC coalition working to end homelessness in DC, and supports the coalition’s ask that the DC Council stop all encampment clearings during the pandemic in accordance with CDC guidance, and to stop the creation of all no-camping or no-tent zones.
#TestimonyTuesday: Shira Markoff – Green New Deal for Housing
JUFJ is a member of the Way Home Campaign, a DC coalition working to end homelessness in DC, and supports the coalition’s ask that the DC Council stop all encampment clearings during the pandemic in accordance with CDC guidance, and to stop the creation of all no-camping or no-tent zones.
#TestimonyTuesday: Jenna Israel – Green New Deal for Housing
JUFJ is a member of the Way Home Campaign, a DC coalition working to end homelessness in DC, and supports the coalition’s ask that the DC Council stop all encampment clearings during the pandemic in accordance with CDC guidance, and to stop the creation of all no-camping or no-tent zones.
#TestimonyThursday: Ruth Crystal – Inclusionary Housing for Baltimore City
Our ancestors fought against injustice, and we are called to follow their example. Let’s continue building a Maryland that works for us all.
#TestimonyTuesday: Sam Blau – Baltimore City State Delegation
Our ancestors fought against injustice, and we are called to follow their example. Let’s continue building a Maryland that works for us all.
#TestimonyTuesday: Anna Levy – Montgomery County State Delegation
We are committed to showing up for our communities and our neighbors, to reject fear and division, and to continue building a Maryland that works for us all.
We’re kicking off our work for Maryland General Assembly 2023!
Thanks to everyone who helped make our Maryland Statewide Kickoff a success! Now, dive into further action for the 2022 legislative session.
Some personal news from Rabbi Elizabeth Richman
As the days grow quieter and cooler, with an old Jewish year just finished and a new one freshly unfolding, it feels like just the right moment to share some big news: after more than 13 years, this will be my last week on staff at JUFJ.
UPDATED ACTION ALERT: Don’t Delay Domestic Workers’ Dignity
Every working person deserves to be treated with respect, whether they work in an office, a restaurant, a construction site, or in a home. Have you ever had a domestic worker (like a home health aide) work in your home? Have you worked as a domestic worker like a cleaner or a nanny? Or do you simply believe strongly in the importance of dignity for all workers? Please let us know!
Host a JUFJ elections program in your community
Jews United for Justice is preparing written and video materials about what’s at stake in the upcoming local elections. Would you like the materials, including a recorded program, and/or would you like to present a program for your community?
JUFJ Statement on Montgomery County Antisemitism Resolution
Note: JUFJ released this statement in August 2022 about a resolution in Montgomery County that would adopt IHRA’s definition of antisemitism. The Montgomery County Council passed a resolution that included [...]
Labor on the Bimah 2022
Celebrate Labor Day by spreading the word about paid family and medical leave in Maryland and DC!
Reflection on Eikev: JUFJ’s Mission and Values
In the Talmud Sanhedrin, the rabbis have a discussion about who deserves to be on the Sanhedrin – the high court. Essentially they’re asking, who do we consider to be the greatest of rabbis, of leaders, of judges, of legal scholars? Who is worthy of establishing and reviewing and perfecting our systems of justice?
Under3DC flyering: talk to your toddler’s teacher!
Thanks to the hard work of the Under 3 DC coalition, a majority of the DC Council, and so many families and educators in our city, early childhood educators in DC are eligible for a huge pay increase — but not all of them know about it yet. Sign up to deliver flyers to your child’s daycare provider.
#TestimonyTuesday: JUFJ Testimony in Support of Renter Protections
Jewish tradition teaches us that we have an obligation to ensure fairness in tenant/landlord law, to ensure safe living conditions, and to prevent homelessness. The Book of Lamentations compares homelessness to the loss of a parent or spouse. Without a home, there is no foundation for all other parts of a person’s life and everything is at risk.
ACTION ALERT: Maryland Needs Strong Police Oversight!
Maryland needs strong police oversight. The Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission (MPTSC) has proposed harmful regulations to the Police Advisory Boards and Administrative Charging Committees. Urge your representative or the leadership in the Maryland General Assembly to make necessary changes to the regulations and call for a public hearing!
Reflection: FY2023 Baltimore Budget Campaign
On June 22nd, the Baltimore City Council passed Mayor Scott’s budget, largely unaltered. This budget cycle brought some victories, but our work with our partners to create an equitable and [...]
ACTION ALERT: Stop Unconstitutional Practices in the Sheriff’s Office!
Demand that the Sheriff make immediate changes and call on the Baltimore City Council to cut the Sheriff’s budget by 50% until they comply with our demands.
#TestimonyTuesday: JUFJ Testimony in Opposition to Increased Police Funding
Reducing gun violence is about so much more than policing and criminalization.
ACTION ALERT: We Need to Implement the Water Accountability and Equity Act!
We need to implement the Water Accountability and Equity Act without further delay!
UPDATE: Montgomery County Police Disciplinary Boards and Police Budget
Police accountability in Montgomery County is critical. Where are we in our work to make that a reality?
Reflection: FY2023 DC Budget Campaign
For several years, I’ve been going with other JUFJers and our allies to the Mayor’s budget forums to make the case for progressive policies. Those have sometimes been frustrating, but also sometimes fun–we definitely won the day when we all brought nickels to represent the tiny tax increase (less than 0.05% of the budget) that could pay for fair elections and we convinced just about every table that that was a good idea. This year I got more involved, and I’m glad I did.
ACTION ALERT: Tell Baltimore City to invest in our communities, not in our police department!
The budget is a moral document, and indicates what a community values. Mayor Scott’s proposed budget does not reflect the morality, values, or needs of our communities.
Baltimore County Public Safety
Police accountability in Baltimore County is critical. Where are we in our work to make that a reality?
Don’t Kvetch, Organize! 2022
Join JUFJ’s 2022 “Don’t Kvetch, Organize!” cohort and learn all about community organizing with JOIN for Justice and JUFJ!
#TestimonyTuesday: Leader Testimony on Baltimore County Police Accountability Board
The Passover story obligates us to establish and support a society whose hallmark is freedom and justice, governed by a fully transparent representative democracy.
#TestimonyTuesday: JUFJ Testimony on Baltimore County Police Accountability Board
My Jewish values are commanded by the text from chapter 16 of the book of Deuteronomy that begins “Justice, justice shall you pursue.” That is why I am here to testify. We have yet to achieve justice for all in this county.
#TestimonyTuesday: Leader Testimony on Baltimore City FY2023 Budget
The social problems we face can’t be policed away.
#TestimonyTuesday: JUFJ Testimony on Baltimore City FY2023 Budget
Nowhere are the values of our leaders more clearly stated than in the budget they produce and pass.
ACTION ALERT: Tell Montgomery County leaders to invest in a Just Recovery in the next budget!
It’s budget season in Montgomery County! We have another opportunity to envision a Just Recovery for our County and to answer the call to reimagine how we define and fund public safety for our County.
2022 Maryland General Assembly Legislative Session: Wrap Up
The Maryland General Assembly has adjourned for the year. See what we accomplished, where we experienced setbacks, and how we can continue to bring more equity and justice to our region moving forward.
#TestimonyTuesday: Rachel Anderson – Excluded Workers
JUFJ is a member of the Way Home Campaign, a DC coalition working to end homelessness in DC, and supports the coalition’s ask that the DC Council stop all encampment clearings during the pandemic in accordance with CDC guidance, and to stop the creation of all no-camping or no-tent zones.
ACTION ALERT: Let’s Make Baltimore County a Leader in Police Accountability!
Let’s Make Baltimore County a Leader in Police Accountability!
Action Alert: Sine Die
Take action before the Maryland General Assembly adjourned for the year!
ACTION ALERT: Demand Planning Justice in Montgomery County!
We demand that the County Council provide 12-18 months for Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) and low-income communities to review and provide recommendations that will truly co-create and update Thrive to achieve planning justice.
#TestimonyTuesday: Jenna Israel – LRSP Vouchers in the DC FY23 Budget
JUFJ is a member of the Way Home Campaign, a DC coalition working to end homelessness in DC, and supports the coalition’s ask that the DC Council stop all encampment clearings during the pandemic in accordance with CDC guidance, and to stop the creation of all no-camping or no-tent zones.
#TestimonyTuesday: Michelle Engelmann – Early Childhood Educator Equitable Compensation
JUFJ is a member of the Way Home Campaign, a DC coalition working to end homelessness in DC, and supports the coalition’s ask that the DC Council stop all encampment clearings during the pandemic in accordance with CDC guidance, and to stop the creation of all no-camping or no-tent zones.
#TestimonyTuesday: Charlotte Hovland – Permanent Supportive Housing
JUFJ is a member of the Way Home Campaign, a DC coalition working to end homelessness in DC, and supports the coalition’s ask that the DC Council stop all encampment clearings during the pandemic in accordance with CDC guidance, and to stop the creation of all no-camping or no-tent zones.
#TestimonyTuesday: Courtney Cooperman – Human Rights for Unhoused Neighbors
JUFJ is a member of the Way Home Campaign, a DC coalition working to end homelessness in DC, and supports the coalition’s ask that the DC Council stop all encampment clearings during the pandemic in accordance with CDC guidance, and to stop the creation of all no-camping or no-tent zones.
#TestimonyTuesday: JUFJ Testimony in Support of Letting Rental Assistance Work
It is unjust and cruel, and contrary to Jewish values, to rush toward eviction where there is a less drastic alternative which could avoid eviction altogether.
#TestimonyTuesday: Hilary Klein – PFML in the DC FY23 Budget
JUFJ is a member of the Way Home Campaign, a DC coalition working to end homelessness in DC, and supports the coalition’s ask that the DC Council stop all encampment clearings during the pandemic in accordance with CDC guidance, and to stop the creation of all no-camping or no-tent zones.
Crossover Day 2022: Where Are We Now?
Crossover Day has passed. Now it’s time to assess where our bills are, and how we can bring more equity and justice to our region by the end of the General Assembly session.
#TestimonyTuesday: Dan Mauer – Paid Family and Medical Leave
JUFJ is a member of the Way Home Campaign, a DC coalition working to end homelessness in DC, and supports the coalition’s ask that the DC Council stop all encampment clearings during the pandemic in accordance with CDC guidance, and to stop the creation of all no-camping or no-tent zones.
#TestimonyTuesday: JUFJ Testimony in Support of Funding Access to Counsel in Evictions
Over the last year, the need for an equal power balance in rent court has grown more urgent.
Organization Sign On: Interfaith Immigration Justice
Clergy and leaders representing faith-based organizations and places of worship throughout the State of Maryland are calling for the support and leadership of the Maryland legislators in passing crucial immigration legislation during the 2022 General Assembly session.
Baltimore Right to Water Action Alert: Ensure Water Affordability!
Support our Right to Water coalition partners in their ask to use federal funding towards water affordability.
Guest post: Use DC’s budget surplus for housing
The Torah scholar Rashi instructs us to support our community members in difficult times and “strengthen [them] as [they] begin to fall,” rather than wait until they sink deeper into crisis before offering support. Rental assistance stabilizes families before they face eviction — a traumatizing experience with lifelong consequences for financial security, physical health, and emotional wellbeing — and, in the spirit of Rashi, prevents temporary hardship from evolving into a more prolonged crisis. Funding STAY DC is also in the District’s own financial best interest, as it would prevent a wave of mass evictions and homelessness that would cost far more in the long run.
#TestimonyTuesday: JUFJ Testimony in Support of Funding a Women’s Pre-Release Facility
Judaism has many values that support the passage of a paid family and medical leave law.
Action Alert: Crossover Day
Take action as the Maryland General Assembly reaches Crossover Day!
ANNAPOLIS ACTION ALERT: support returning women
Incarcerated women in Maryland still cannot access pre-release services, two years after the Gender Responsive Prerelease Act passed. Tell your state legislators to fund this facility now!
ANNAPOLIS ACTION ALERT: This is the year for Paid Family & Medical Leave in Maryland!
This is the year to make paid family and medical leave a reality in Maryland. Write to your legislator to let them know you support the Time to Care Act, and why they should too.
ACTION ALERT: Keep Montgomery County Students Safe
People in Montgomery County believe that all students should be safe in schools, regardless of their race, which school they attend, or their academic performance. Let’s invest in our students, not arrest them. Send messages to the Superintendent, the School Board, the County Executive, and the County Council and remind them: we want real safety for all students, not a so-called “solution” that will lead to disproportionate harm to Black and brown students.
DC Domestic Workers Demand Dignity: Interest Survey
Every working person deserves to be treated with respect, whether they work in an office, a restaurant, a construction site, or in a home. Have you ever had a domestic worker (like a home health aide) work in your home? Have you worked as a domestic worker like a cleaner or a nanny? Or do you simply believe strongly in the importance of dignity for all workers? Please let us know!
#TestimonyTuesday: JUFJ Testimony in Support of Paid Family and Medical Leave
Judaism has many values that support the passage of a paid family and medical leave law.
In response to antisemitic remarks in 2/2/22 Judiciary Committee hearing
JUFJ — like most organizations and people in our state — believes that all Marylanders should be safe and welcome here. Jewish sacred texts insist that we turn our own historical experiences of being outsiders into compassion for our immigrant neighbors. Members of the General Assembly must not stoke dangerous antisemitic and xenophobic conspiracy theories to demonize immigrant Marylanders and manufacture hate and fear to divide us.
#TestimonyTuesday: JUFJ Testimony in Support of Access to Counsel in Immigration Proceedings
It is important that we make sure that those of us who were not born in our community are as safe as those of us who were.
#TestimonyTuesday: JUFJ Testimony in Support of Child Interrogation Protection Act
It is our sacred duty to treat children lovingly and humanely and doing so makes them healthier adults. Despite this, children do not have many rights in our society and here in Maryland we are not doing enough to protect the due process rights of our kids.
#TestimonyTuesday: JUFJ Testimony in Support of Ensuring Children Go Through Juvenile Court, not Adult Court
The evidence is clear: sending children to courts designed for adults is harmful for children, detrimental to public safety, and grossly inefficient.
MDGA22 Pre-Session Legislator Meetings Wrap Up
JUFJers have finished their pre-session legislator meetings!
Renters United Maryland Action Alert: Support Maryland Housing Justice!
Support our Renters United Maryland partners in their housing justice plan.
Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in 2022
Take a look at how our “Honoring Dr. King: The Enduring Relevance of ‘Letter from a Birmingham Jail'” event went.
#TestimonyTuesday: JUFJ Testimony in Support of Repealing Disruption of School as a Crime
Judaism recognizes that the wellbeing of society is determined by our treatment of children.
#TestimonyTuesday: JUFJ Testimony in Support of Reforming Tenant Screening
The passage of HB134 can help to resolve housing inequities, increase access to stable and safe housing and help Marylanders achieve financial stability after difficult times.
ANNAPOLIS ACTION ALERT: let rental assistance work
Currently, many renters who are experiencing difficulties paying rent are still facing eviction despite applying for emergency rental assistance, because it is taking months for overburdened agencies to process the applications. Urge your state legislators and the General Assembly leadership to pass legislation to allow rental assistance to work.
ANNAPOLIS ACTION ALERT: support renters facing eviction
Our sacred texts recognize that having safe, stable housing is key to a healthy society, and we know that it is key to reducing racial inequities. Because of the pandemic, many are confronting increased economic hardship, the shortcomings of eviction prevention policy, and the extreme threat to health resulting from homelessness. One critical intervention that can help keep thousands of Marylanders housed right now is access to a lawyer. Tell your state legislators to fund access to counsel for all renters.
ANNAPOLIS ACTION ALERT: support immigrants facing deportation
As Jews and as human beings, we are obligated to make sure that those of us who were not born in our community are as safe as those of us who were. But many Maryland immigrants are not safe. Tell your state legislators to pass SB129/HB114.
ANNAPOLIS ACTION ALERT: Protect our youth!
We need to pass the Child Interrogation Protect Act so that that youth have legal representation before they can be questioned by police.
ANNAPOLIS ACTION ALERT: Clarify Baltimore City Civilian Review Board Role
Despite historic police accountability reforms passed by the Maryland General Assembly last year, community oversight of the police needs to be strengthened, especially in Baltimore City.
ACTION ALERT: Demand Stronger Police Disciplinary Boards in Montgomery County!
Last year, the Maryland General Assembly passed sweeping reforms in response to the national epidemic of police violence. However, our County leadership introduced a bill to implement the state law that fails to include the community in its new disciplinary processes and maintains the status quo of police discipline by and for the police.
Tell our County and State elected leaders that we demand stronger Police Disciplinary Boards in Montgomery County!
JUFJ Testimony in Opposition Unless Amended of Police Accountability Board Structure
Rabbi Yitzhak taught that “a ruler is not to be appointed unless the community is first consulted” (Babylonian Talmud Berachot 55a) – his teaching reminds us that this vital oversight needs to be by and for the community that is being policed.
ACTION ALERT: Halt Baltimore Evictions!
We must halt evictions in Baltimore City during the COVID-19 pandemic.
ACTION ALERT: Baltimore needs the Water Accountability & Equity Act now!
By using a small percentage of the American Rescue Plan Act funds for water justice, we can ensure that getting assistance with a water bill helps – not hurts – tenants.
#TestimonyTuesday: Leader Testimony in Support of Baltimore County Fair Election Fund
We should do our best to improve the leveling of the election process for all of Baltimore County residents to benefit all of Baltimore County.
#TestimonyTuesday: JUFJ Testimony in Support of Baltimore County Fair Election Fund
Government should not be seen as the exclusive playground of the wealthy or well connected. All our residents should consider themselves as players, and the Fair Election Fund will allow them to do so.
Maryland General Assembly Special Legislative Session 2021: Wrap Up
The Maryland General Assembly’s special legislative session has ended, and we have great news!
JUFJ Testimony in Support of Funding an MCPS Trauma and Behavioral Health Grant
The Jewish concept of b’tzelem Elohim refers to the notion that all people are created in the Divine image. Destroying a life is akin to destroying a world, and as we recover from the ongoing pandemic, we must prioritize the wellbeing of each and every student in our school system.
ACTION ALERT: Baltimore County Needs the Fair Election Fund
The Fair Election Fund will elevate the voice of everyday citizens and reduce the influence of large donors by providing public funds.
ACTION ALERT: Tell the Mayor to fund Right to Counsel & key housing needs!
Last year, we and our partners worked to pass a right to legal counsel in eviction cases, and the Mayor signed it into law. Now, we need to get it funded.
JUFJ Testimony In Support of the Proposed Montgomery County Redistricting Map
We urge the Council to approve the proposed map as a critical investment in the future of equitable representation in Montgomery County. Thank you.
#TestimonyTuesday: Jenna Israel – DMHHS Pilot Program
JUFJ is a member of the Way Home Campaign, a DC coalition working to end homelessness in DC, and supports the coalition’s ask that the DC Council stop all encampment clearings during the pandemic in accordance with CDC guidance, and to stop the creation of all no-camping or no-tent zones.
#TestimonyTuesday: Evan Serpick – Baltimore City State Delegation
Our ancestors fought against injustice, and we are called to follow their example. Let’s continue building a Maryland that works for us all.
Baltimore Civics Kibitz: Wrap Up & Next Steps
Now that our Civics Kibitz series has come to an end, what’s next?
Victory for Montgomery County Renters!
Every person has a right to a safe, stable, affordable home, regardless of their race, income, or ZIP code. JUFJ and our partners have been advocating for Bill 30-21, a rent stabilization bill sponsored by Councilmember Will Jawando. We’re happy to announce that on November 2, 2021, this bill passed unanimously!
#TestimonyTuesday: Carol Stern – Montgomery County State Delegation
Our ancestors fought against injustice, and we are called to follow their example. Let’s continue building a Maryland that works for us all.
We’ve had the Maryland Kickoff and now we’re off and running!
Thanks to everyone who helped make our Maryland Statewide Kickoff a success! Now, dive into further action for the 2022 legislative session.
ACTION ALERT: Veto Override Success!
You asked the Maryland General Assembly to override Governor Hogan’s vetoes related to justice system reform & immigrant rights, and they listened!
Reflection on Sukkot: Temporary and Permanent Housing
We can think of many examples when our tradition enjoins us to share our food and clothing with those who are in need. But what about the need for housing? What can Sukkot add to our understanding of how to face the challenges of inadequate or insecure housing in our community?
DC Paid Family and Medical Leave Expanded Benefits as of October 1, 2021
The DC Council passed legislation that significantly expands the DC Paid Family Leave program. These changes go into effect on October 1, 2021 – and could benefit you and your family!
Petition: Stop Maryland Evictions!
Sign the Baltimore Renters United’s petition to demand action be taken to stop evictions in Maryland.
Labor on the Bimah 2021: A month of action for paid family and medical leave
Highlights from some of the Labor on the Bimah services and presentations from congregations around Maryland.
Sukkot 2021: We All Need Shelter
As we reflect on what it means to have shelter during Sukkot, we know that so many people in our communities are facing eviction. Here’s how to take action.
ACTION ALERT: Extend Emergency Protections for Renters in Montgomery County!
The COVID-19 crisis is far from over. Thousands of renters across Montgomery County are at risk of eviction, and now is the time to use every tool in our toolbox to protect renters!
Reflection: Intersession Interest Sessions
Although I try to stay informed about state and local politics, I have often felt as though I was missing the sort of nuts-and-bolts knowledge needed to be as effective in taking action as I could and would like to be. I found that the series of intersession interest sessions filled that need in a timely and enjoyable way–each of the three events was engaging, informative, and more than worthwhile.
Reflection: 2022 DC Budget Campaign
For several years, I’ve been going with other JUFJers and our allies to the Mayor’s budget forums to make the case for progressive policies. Those have sometimes been frustrating, but also sometimes fun–we definitely won the day when we all brought nickels to represent the tiny tax increase (less than 0.05% of the budget) that could pay for fair elections and we convinced just about every table that that was a good idea. This year I got more involved, and I’m glad I did.
DC Paid Leave Campaign Celebrates DC Council’s Historic Vote to Strengthen & Expand the DC Paid Family Leave program
The DC Paid Leave Campaign, representing a diverse coalition of local businesses, community institutions, service providers, and advocacy organizations, commends the DC Council’s vote to strengthen and expand the DC Paid Family Leave program. The changes to this effective and life-changing program stand to benefit half a million workers and their families.
ACTION ALERT: Extend the Eviction Moratorium!
As statewide eviction protections are lifted, it is imperative that staff officials take on the task to ensure that families stay housed.
ACTION ALERT: Demand a moral DC Budget
The DC Council’s second budget vote is tomorrow, and the Council is on the verge of making a historic investment in fairer pay for early childhood educators and ending homelessness for thousands of individuals and families. Please take a moment TODAY to thank the eight Councilmembers who have spoken out and fought for families and educators, and urge them to keep the momentum going.
DC Paid Leave Campaign Celebrates DC Council’s Historic Vote to Strengthen & Expand the DC Paid Family Leave program
The DC Paid Leave Campaign, representing a diverse coalition of local businesses, community institutions, service providers, and advocacy organizations, commends the DC Council’s vote to strengthen and expand the DC Paid Family Leave program. The changes to this effective and life-changing program stand to benefit half a million workers and their families.
Reflecting on Don’t Kvetch, Organize! 2021
Read a leader’s reflection on JUFJ and JOIN’s “Don’t Kvetch, Organize” organizing 101 program!
DC Council, raise my taxes!
Listen up, DC: I want you to raise my taxes. Yes, you heard right. I want you to raise my taxes. Why? It’s common sense: when people have access to the basic necessities–affordable housing and high quality childcare, to name a few–the entire District benefits. And higher taxes are what will fund those basic needs.
Tisha B’Av 2021: Mourning, Reflection, Action
This Tisha B’Av, let us move through mourning into action.
ACTION ALERT: Demand a moral DC Budget
A budget is a moral document that shows where our city’s priorities truly lie. As the DC Council votes on the budget for the next year, we need our Councilmembers to put people first and ensure a truly just recovery from the pandemic that has hit so many so hard, especially Black and brown families.
DC Workers Deserve Stronger Paid Leave
In 2016, working people in the District of Columbia won a huge victory to enact paid family and medical leave so that no worker in the District would be forced to choose between meeting their care needs and earning a paycheck. Now, the D.C. Council has the chance to expand and strengthen paid leave for the workers who need it most, and they must seize the opportunity.
Leader Reflection on Police-Free Schools
Read a leader’s reflection on our recent Intersession Interest Session, which focused on police-free schools.
DC Council: support children and educators
Childcare and early childhood education are essential for all children, but even before the pandemic they were out of reach for many DC families, especially Black and brown families. Now, childcare providers have been devastated by the pandemic and are in danger of closing permanently — but we have an opportunity to build back better and imagine a truly just recovery where all children in our city can have the quality care they deserve.
#TestimonyTuesday: Eli Wykell – THRIVE 2050
As a Jewish organization committed to economic, racial and social justice, we strongly support Thrive Montgomery 2050’s intention to make Montgomery County a more inclusive and racially equitable community.
ACTION ALERT: Protect DC Paid Family Leave!
Mayor Bowser’s proposed budget for next year raids hundreds of millions of dollars from paid family and medical leave to cut taxes for DC’s wealthiest corporations. Ask your Councilmembers to speak out and reverse these cuts.
Updated Action Alert: Remove Armed Law Enforcement Officers from MCPS!
Police do not keep our children safe in school, and they have harmed too many Montgomery County students already. Tell the County Council and County Executive to support truly Police Free Schools.
WATCH: Civics Kibitz 1 – The City Council & Legislative Process Demystified
Watch the recording of Baltimore Civics Kibitz 1: The City Council & Legislative Process Demystified
ACTION ALERT: Tell Montgomery County Leadership to Stop Excessive Use of Force!
Use of force restrictions in Montgomery County are being gutted by Chief Jones’ new policy and the police union’s lawsuit. Tell the County Council and County Executive to act now to stop exessive use of force!
UPDATED ACTION ALERT: Protect More Baltimoreans From Eviction!
Help close an eviction protection loophole.
Reflections from the Maryland Post-Session Town Halls
These meetings are both a time for legislators to present what they feel they have accomplished and an opportunity for constituents to build relationships with our representatives. I hope you will join me in building relationships with our legislators and holding them accountable.
STATEMENT: The Campaign for DC Paid Family Leave calls on all DC Councilmembers to speak out against cuts to paid family and medical leave
The Campaign for DC Paid Family Leave is outraged that Mayor Bowser has proposed raiding our city’s groundbreaking paid family and medical leave program in order to implement a tax cut that would overwhelmingly benefit the largest corporations in the District.
Update: JUFJ’s Montgomery County FY22 Budget Demands
Budget season just ended in Montgomery County! While the final budget reflects many of our priorites, the County Executive and County Council passed a budget that continues to invest in policing, rather than supporting, Montgomery County students. Learn about our budget priorties, the outcomes, and how to get involved in the ongoing work!
Action Alert: Demand fair taxes in DC
Did you know that DC’s richest 20% of residents pay less taxes as a share of their income than everyone else in DC? Tell your DC Councilmembers to demand fair taxation as part of this year’s budget
#TestimonyTuesday: Ethan H- Baltimore City FY22 Budget
Jewish tradition demands of us: “Choose life, so that you may live” (Deut 30:19). We are disappointed that the FY2022 Baltimore City Preliminary Budget continues a pattern of divesting and underinvesting from that which gives life to our communities, while increasing investments in policing and punishment that take life away.
Housing Newsletter
Welcome to the first installment of the Jews United for Justice housing newsletter! We are launching this (~monthly) newsletter to provide you with updates on what’s going on around housing in the District and action items you can take to make an impact.
UPDATED Action Alert: Support Baltimore Renters!
We need secure housing, not predatory security deposit “insurance.” Thank Mayor Scott for his veto of CB21-0022 and ask City Council to sustain it!
Shavuot Learning: Reflections from JUFJ Montgomery County!
Shavuot is the Jewish holiday celebrating the harvest and the day the Jewish people received the Torah at Mt. Sinai. Shavuot is traditionally celebrated with a tikkun leil, or a night of learning, during which communities stay up all night studying. This year, Montgomery County leaders and staff have put together Divrei Torah, or Torah commentary, to share as a resource for learning this Shavuot.
#TestimonyTuesday: Rebecca Barson – RESTORE Act of 2021
This legislation has the power to make a positive difference in the lives of so many residents of the District, particularly Black residents, who have been living under the burden of a publicly available criminal record.
ACTION ALERT: Thank your state representatives
The Maryland General Assembly has adjourned – write to your legislators thanking them & underscoring your commitment to justice.
2021 Maryland General Assembly Legislative Session: Wrap Up
The 2021 Maryland General Assembly has adjourned “Sine Die.” Now it’s time to assess what we won, where we experienced setbacks, and how we can continue to bring more equity and justice to our region moving forward.
JUFJ’s Montgomery County FY22 Budget Demands
It’s budget season in Montgomery County! This is an opportunity to envision a Just Recovery for our County — a recovery that provides dei machsoro, resources sufficient for each person’s needs, and also answers the call to reimagine how we define and fund public safety for our County. Here’s what we’re asking for in the FY22 budget.
#TestimonyTuesday: Mark Martin – HB18/SB154
Now is the time for Maryland to become a national leader by providing such a right throughout the state. Doing so will promote residential stability and economic security – and yield fiscal rewards.
#TestimonyTuesday: Carol Stern – SB626/HB139
In a world already filled with so much violence, we must move to end police violence and change Maryland laws that prevent us from holding police accountable.
Action Alert: End of the 2021 Maryland Legislative Session
April 12 is the last day of the Maryland state session – take final action steps to achieve justice in Maryland!
#TestimonyTuesday: Michael English – HB1312/SB910
Safe and stable housing has far reaching economic, health, and social benefits to individuals, families, and communities, and is key to reducing racial inequities, as the most marginalized are often the first to have their housing threatened.
#TestimonyTuesday: Mark Martin – HB52/SB454
The reforms in HB52 are a commonsense, workable step to leveling the rent court playing field without in any way jeopardizing the legitimate interests of landlords.
Updated Action Alert: Demand Police Accountability & Reform
The Maryland General Assembly must pass legislation to end the practice of police policing themselves and shift power into the hands of communities. Write to your legislators and General Assembly leadership to urge them to pass real and meaningful police reform this year.
Action Alert: Tell your County Executive to Help Keep People Housed
Take action to call on your County Executive or Mayor to push the General Assembly to pass critical housing justice bills before it’s too late.
“He needed just one kind adult”
This past Friday, March 26, 2021, the Montgomery County Police Department released body camera footage from a horrific incident in January 2020. The footage, which was nearly an hour long, revealed police officers and school officials mistreating a five-year-old Black boy with a disability. Take action to support this boy and his family, and to demand that no other child in Montgomery County — or anywhere else — faces this abuse.
RUM Press Release: Renters & Advocates Urge Senate President Ferguson to Pass Emergency Eviction Prevention Legislation as Hundreds of Thousands Face Eviction
Coalition expresses serious concerns about MD Senate’s failure to pass any bills addressing more than 100,000 eviction cases being heard in re-opened courts and CDC protections expiring on March 31st, with less than three weeks until Sine Die.
Bonimot Tzedek Action Alert: Montgomery County Schools
Our partners at Bonimot Tzedek are asking for social workers to replace police in Montgomery County Public Schools
Crossover Day 2021: Where Are We?
Crossover Day has passed over. Now it’s time to assess where our bills are, and how we can bring more equity and justice to our region by the end of the General Assembly session.
Action Alert: We Want a Strong Housing Justice Act!
Take action to support a Housing Justice Act that will best protect prospective tenants!
Action Alert: Crossover Day
Take action as the Maryland General Assembly reaches Crossover Day!
Updated Action Alert: address Maryland’s housing crisis
People are already losing their homes, and without action from the General Assembly during this legislative session, thousands more families across Maryland will face eviction and foreclosure when the limited protections we have expire, and thousands more will continue to suffer in a rent court system that overwhelmingly favors landlords.
Updated Action Alert: Support Paid Family and Medical Leave
Nobody should have to choose between their job and caring for their family. With the Time to Care Act, Marylanders will no longer have to choose.
Updated Action Alert: Demand Immigrant Justice
Ask your Maryland state legislators to make Maryland a place where everyone, regardless of immigration status, can be safe and thrive. Take action now!
#TestimonyTuesday: Claire Landers – SB454/HB52
SB454/HB52 has the potential to reduce the long-term havoc this pandemic will inflict on all of us in Maryland.
#TestimonyTuesday: Michael English – HB18/SB154
HB18 would help make sure the most vulnerable among us are protected at one of the most trying times in our history.
#TestimonyTuesday: Anita Lampel – HB1089
HB1089 would address the demands of students, parents, educators, and administrators looking to replace armed law enforcement in school with well-funded, substantial alternatives to support the needs of our state’s students.
#TestimonyTuesday: Carol Stern – HB1089
Removing school resource officers (SROs) from schools is an important way for our government to facilitate teshuvah, healing, and recovery rather than perpetuating the school to prison pipeline, which disproportionately affects Black and brown students.
Recap: Police Free Schools Hearings
The Montgomery County Board of Education and County Council both held hearings during the first week of March to hear from the public about the future of police in schools. Nearly 90 activists from the Montgomery County Defund Policing and Invest in Communities Coalition gathered for watch parties for the hearings to support the dozens of students, educators, administrators, parents, experts, and community members who testified in favor of removing police officers from schools.
#TestimonyTuesday: Nancy Riess – HB304/SB88
Passing HB304/SB88 creates trust within our community and can improve relations between police and immigrant communities. Passing this bill would also allow vulnerable immigrants to report threats to their safety, use available health and social services for their families, and enroll their children in school, thus creating physical and emotional stability and financial prosperity. Everyone deserves to feel safe.
#TestimonyTuesday: Zach Mancher – HB304/SB88
It is because of the freedoms like these that immigrants like my grandparents and great-grandparents were able to be successful, build lives for their families, and embody the American Dream. JUFJ respectfully urges a favorable report for HB304/SB88.
#TestimonyTuesday: Samantha Blau – SB786/HB1027
Since moving to Baltimore in 2011, since starting work in Baltimore in 2009, local control of the Baltimore City Police department has been an issue that those around me, neighbors and co-workers have discussed as a priority.
Action Alert: Remove the Governor from the Parole Process
The Governor must be removed from the parole process to make our system more just. Take action now!
Organization Sign On: Maryland Interfaith Letter for Immigrant Justice
Maryland must be a place where everyone, regardless of immigration status, can be safe and thrive. If you are a faith leader or represent a faith-based organization, sign the interfaith open letter to urge the Maryland General Assembly to pass bills for immigrant justice.
#TestimonyTuesday: Savannah Parrish – SB910/HB1312
This bill helps provide relief to landlords while also protecting families with so few options during the pandemic. It gives people peace of mind during this chaotic time that going to court will not be the first option and evictions will be last resort.
Don’t Kvetch, Organize! 2021
Join JUFJ’s 2021 “Don’t Kvetch, Organize!” cohort and learn all about community organizing with JOIN for Justice and JUFJ!
#TestimonyTuesday: Barbara Schaffer – HB1089
We need to keep students in school and spend those dollars on resources to help students work through their challenges. Statistics show that the arrests and incarcerations affect students of color and those with disabilities disproportionately. I cannot condone laws and measures that don’t support racial equality and the well-being of our children.
#TestimonyTuesday: Mark Wolff – HB304/SB88
The well founded concern of discrimination, harassment and illegal detention results in fear and lack of trust in the police, governmental authorities and ultimately in seeking the protection and rights that all Maryland residents deserve. I urge this committee to report favorably on HB304/SB88 so that everyone in Maryland can live without fear.
Thank you, Rebecca!
We are writing belatedly to share the news that in 2020 Rebecca Ennen transitioned out of JUFJ after a long and tremendously fruitful time on staff.
#TestimonyTuesday: Anita Lampel – HB496
The just and equitable choice is to vote in favor of this bill to provide schools the urgently needed funds to implement mental health and other support services for students.
#TestimonyTuesday: Sarah Hiller – HB375/SB211
Passing the Time to Care Act will allow Maryland to join the small but growing list of states that are moving closer to our stated values, help people balance work and family responsibilities, and build a safety net so people do not face a loss in income when a new child or medical issues bring new costs into their lives.
Action Alert: Don’t Weaken LEOBR Repeal
We need to pass a full repeal of the Law Enforcement Bill of Rights, and cannot allow for weakening amendments.
#TestimonyTuesday: Ellie Meyerstein – SB627
The Maryland General Assembly must repeal LEOBR in order to rebuild a justice system that is not systemically racist. Black people and people of color are unfairly targeted by police, and police officers rarely face consequences or adequate misconduct investigations because of LEOBR.
#TestimonyTuesday: Jen Cheslock – HB1027/SB786
HB1027/SB786 is only one element of the transformative reform we need to see. While it will take years–likely generations–to undo the damage already done, restoring local control helps folks see their local community hold police accountable to our values.
#TestimonyTuesday: Michael English – SB454/HB52
Passage of SB454/HB52 out of committee can help to prevent evictions, keep people in their homes, and make our state’s rent court system more fair.
#TestimonyTuesday: Noa Meyerstein – SB627
Law Enforcement Officers’ Bill Of Rights allows discrimination to continue with no accountability. We must repeal LEOBR in order to work toward a just system.
#TestimonyTuesday: Melissa Coretz Goemann – SB627
Repealing LEOBR is a necessary step toward accountability by making sure that officers facing discipline do not get extra rights that are not afforded to other state government and civilian employees.
Action Alert: Local Control of the Baltimore Police Department
Baltimore City does not have control over their own police department. In order to achieve police accountability and community investment, this must change! Ask your Maryland state legislators to support local control of the Baltimore City Police Department.
Action Alert: Override the Veto on Women’s Prerelease in MD!
In the 2020 legislation session, the Maryland General Assembly passed the Gender-Responsive Prerelease Act (SB684) to establish a community-based standalone prerelease facility for women. However, Governor Hogan vetoed the legislation. We are now calling on members of the General Assembly to reaffirm their commitment to ending this inequity and supporting women returning from incarceration by voting to override the Governor’s veto during the 2021 legislative session.
*This* Is What Democracy Looks Like
When I joined over 130 other organizers and community members on zoom last week to watch the public hearing of Montgomery County’s Police Free Schools Bill, I realized that Democracy actually looks like the smaller, significantly less glamorous inner workings of our local government — and the work of its private citizens as they shape the process.
#TestimonyTuesday: Anna Levy – SB454/HB52
Passage of SB454/HB52 can help to resolve housing inequities, reduce evictions for failure to pay rent, and increase access to stable and safe housing for all Marylanders.
Action Alert: Support Paid Family and Medical Leave
Nobody should have to choose between their job and caring for their family. With the Time to Care Act, Marylanders will no longer have to choose.
#TestimonyTuesday: Joanna Silver – HB677/SB850 – Dignity Not Detention
The more beds ICE has available, the more interior enforcement it engages in and the more that people who have lived here for years, often with their families, are targeted.
#TestimonyTuesday: Jerry Kickenson: Improving MCPD Data Collection
JUFJer Jerry Kickenson testified on Tuesday, December 8 in favor of MC 45-20, which would dramatically improve MCPD data collection and reporting practices.
#TestimonyTuesday: Phyllis Lerner: Students need Support, not Police in Schools
We need to move away from punitive hierarchies—systems which reflect racial inequities, as has been the case in Montgomery County. We must implement effective models of Restorative Justice.
Action Alert: Stop Cooperating with ICE in Howard County!
We need to pass CB-63 to limit cooperation with ICE and make our community safer.
Action Alert: We Need Renters’ Right to Counsel in Baltimore!
We need to pass Right to Counsel legislation in Baltimore City to bring more equity to rent court – ask Mayor Young to sign it into law.
Action Alert: Guarantee Water Justice in Baltimore!
We must implement the Water Accountability and Equity Act without further delay.
Thanks for making this our biggest Maryland Kickoff ever!
Thank you to all 140 of you who came to our Maryland Statewide Legislative Kickoff! This was our biggest Kickoff ever thanks to you, and demonstrated the growing momentum in the fight to end persistent systemic racial and economic injustice in our region.
#TestimonyTuesday: Hannah Garelick- Reclaim Rent Control
Good afternoon Councilmember Bonds, Councilmembers, and Staff of the Committee, my name is Hannah Garelick, and I am a community organizer at Jews United for Justice, a local grassroots organization that organizes thousands of Jews and allies in DC to fight for social, racial, and economic justice.
Action Alert: Stop Detaining Immigrants in Howard County!
Howard County is abusing immigrants detained by ICE. Tell the County: override the veto of CB-51 and end the collaboration with ICE.
#TestimonyTuesday: Sarah Novick – DC Police Accountability
Thank you Councilmember Allen for holding this hearing. My name is Sarah Novick and I’m the DC Senior Organizer with Jews United for Justice, a community of thousands of Jews and allies committed to advancing social, racial, and economic justice in DC.
#TestimonyTuesday: Rebecca Ennen – DC Police Accountability
My name is Rebecca Ennen and I live in Petworth in Ward 4. I have been involved in DC local issues since I moved here in 2010 through Jews United for Justice, both on staff and as a volunteer.
#TestimonyTuesday: Hannah Weilbacher – DC Police Accountability
Dear DC Council Judiciary Committee, Thank you, and thank you for this hearing. My name is Hannah Weilbacher and I’m a Ward 1 resident. I am testifying today because Black lives matter.
#TestimonyTuesday: Logan Bayroff – DC Police Accountability
My name is Logan Bayroff and I’m a Ward 1 resident. I am testifying today because Black lives matter, and because I want to live in a city in which the government acts to genuinely serve all DC residents, instead of empowering the MPD to harass and abuse them.
#TestimonyTuesday: Hannah Garelick- Reclaim Rent Control
Good afternoon. Thank you, Councilmember Bonds and the Committee on Housing and Neighborhood Revitalization for holding this hearing. My name is Hannah Garelick and I am a community organizer at Jews United for Justice, a local grassroots organization that organizes thousands of Jews and allies in DC to fight for social, racial, and economic justice.
Guía de Votación para el Condado Montgomery de 2020
Nuestra guía de votación para el condado Montgomery de 2020
Report: Montgomery County Ballot Questions Town Hall
Montgomery County voters need to weigh in on important ballot questions this fall. Even if you missed our community meetings, here’s what you can do to learn and take action.
Baltimore Voter Guide
JUFJ’s 2020 Baltimore Voter Guide is out! Vote FOR Statewide Question 1, Baltimore County Question A, and Baltimore City Question F!
Action Alert: Baltimore County needs Rent Relief Now!
We need to pass bill #95-20 to protect renters in Baltimore County.
Action Alert: Real Police Accountability Means a Real Power Shift
Police accountability bill #96-20 must be strengthened in order to achieve real justice.
Request for Proposal: Racial Equity & Inclusion Consultant
Jews United for Justice (JUFJ) seeks a consultant or consulting team to support the creation and management of a process to examine our practices, policies, culture and impact and to support our ongoing and long-term journey toward becoming an antiracist organization that advances racial equity, both internally and externally. We are looking for proposals from consultants with a history of working with organizations on transformative racial equity efforts.
#TestimonyTuesday: Claire Landers – JPR 15 – Repeal LEOBR
In Maryland, we have a system that permits police to police themselves without any accountability.
#TestimonyTuesday: Jo Shifrin – JPR 15 – Repeal LEOBR
Policing in Maryland is a broken legacy of a racist system, and it is past time for partial reforms.
#TestimonyTuesday: Carol Stern – JPR 15 – Repeal LEOBR
We must repeal LEOBR to end the racist, corrupt, and inequitable policing that has been taking place in Maryland for far too long.
#TestimonyTuesday: Joanna Silver – JPR 15 – Repeal LEOBR
Real change, real action, real teshuvah, requires full repeal of LEOBR.
#TestimonyTuesday: Emily Blank – JPR 15 – Repeal LEOBR
Leviticus 19 says, “You shall commit no injustice in judgment; you shall not favor a poor person or respect a great man; you shall judge your fellow with righteousness.” This verse from the sacred writings common to several religions suggests that even those in highly regarded professions must be held accountable for their actions.
Report: Maryland Special Session Action
Jewish tradition teaches that pikuach nefesh, or preserving life, is of utmost importance. During this pandemic, we’ve seen not only the lives of Marylanders threatened, but also their jobs, homes, and livelihoods while our Governor and legislature have not taken appropriate action. That’s why JUFJ and our partners across the state have been calling for a special session of the Maryland General Assembly.
Save the date for the 2020 Heschel Vision Experience!
Each year JUFJ’s Heschel Vision Awards celebrate members of our community who take action with deep moral commitment and who inspire and empower others. It’s a chance for all of us to be reminded of our values and to be together in community. We can’t gather in person this year like we normally would. Instead, we’re taking this as an invitation to get creative, try new things, and recommit to our values in fresh ways.
Report: Whiteness, Jewishness, Policing Workshop
On September 2nd, we, a group of JUFJ leaders and involved community members, held a workshop on whiteness, Jewishness, and policing. The purpose of that workshop was to develop an understanding of the urgency to defund the police.
Montgomery County Voter Guide
JUFJ’s 2020 Montgomery County Voter Guide is out! Vote FOR Questions 1, A, and C. Vote AGAINST Questions B and D.
Baltimore County Police Accountability: Where Are We?
Police accountability in Baltimore County is critical. Where are we in our work to make that a reality?
Montgomery County Council Session Wrap Up – Summer 2020
JUFJ members raised our voices loudly and repeatedly during the Montgomery County Council’s 2020 summer session, and in many cases the Council listened to us and to our partners. In this physically distant session, we advocated for changes to policing, racial equity, eviction prevention, stronger democracy, and fairer taxation.
Reflection on Elul: Purification and Changemaking
In the Talmud Sanhedrin, the rabbis have a discussion about who deserves to be on the Sanhedrin – the high court. Essentially they’re asking, who do we consider to be the greatest of rabbis, of leaders, of judges, of legal scholars? Who is worthy of establishing and reviewing and perfecting our systems of justice?
Letter to Montgomery County Council: No Police in Schools
The Montgomery County Council voted whether or not to reduce the number of police officers in schools. Learn how they voted and read the letters JUFJ leaders wrote in response.
#TestimonyTuesday: Jeff Rubin – HB821 – Montgomery County Stable Homes Act
This problem exists in Montgomery County: last year 10,451 tenants faced eviction orders in our county.
#TestimonyTuesday: Sam Blau – Maryland Police Accountability Workgroup
Read testimony from JUFJer Sam Blau.
#TestimonyTuesday: Toby Ditz – SB372 – Expand the Vote
We do this for other eligible voters, including citizens who live in-group settings.
#TestimonyTuesday: Joe Magar – SB372 – Expand the Vote
These citizens of the United States of America and residents of the State of Maryland are being robbed of their voices.
#TestimonyTuesday: Ioana Stoica – SB372 – Expand the Vote
One of the most important guiding principles of my faith is that of pursuing justice.
From mourning to action: Tisha B’Av 2020
This year, in commemoration of Tisha B’Av (the 9th of Av), JUFJers across Maryland came together to mourn and organize around contemporary tragedies: racist and inequitable policing, ICE’s targeting of immigrant communities, and an affordable housing and eviction crisis exacerbated by COVID-19. More than 50 of us gathered outside Baltimore City Hall, at the Howard County Detention Center, and on Zoom to connect our collective mourning to specific action we can take together to end these human-made tragedies.
Update: Evictions Resume in Maryland
Demonstrators highlighted the plight of tens of thousands of Marylanders who are unable to pay their rent and risk eviction and demanded that Governor Hogan extend the moratorium on evictions and provide additional rent assistance to ALL Maryland renters in need.
Report: #JustRecoveryDC and the budget
As Councilmembers Gray and Silverman said during DC Council meetings, this year’s budget session was an assortment of unmentionable expletives. But we made it through, with some important victories for a moral DC budget.
Police Accountability Testimony: We Can No Longer Accept the Status Quo
JUFJ leaders submitted public testimony in support of this bill during the County Council work session on Tuesday, 7/28. Read below to learn why JUFJ leader Claire Landers supports this bill.
Police Accountability Testimony: Improved Public Safety
JUFJ leaders submitted public testimony in support of this bill during the County Council work session on Tuesday, 7/28. Watch why JUFJ leader Barbara Cohen supports this bill.
Police Accountability Testimony: Systemic Solution to a Systemic Problem
JUFJ leaders submitted public testimony in support of this bill during the County Council work session on Tuesday, 7/28. Read below to hear why JUFJ leader Sheldon Laskin supports this bill.
Police Accountability Testimony: One Death is One Too Many
JUFJ leaders submitted public testimony in support of this bill during the County Council work session on Tuesday, 7/28. Learn why JUFJ leader Jessica Krasnick supports this bill.
Police Accountability Testimony: Codify the Law
JUFJ leaders submitted public testimony in support of this bill during the County Council work session on Tuesday, 7/28. Learn why JUFJ leader Jody Harburger supports this bill.
Action Alert: DC’s excluded workers are being left out again — support them
Urge DC Council to eliminate the entire Metropolitan Police Department budget increase, and to further cut the budget.
Policing in Baltimore City: Charter Amendment 19-0379
We must end the deadly over-policing of Black and brown people that is a key element of structural racism nationally. Nowhere is this truer than in Baltimore, where racially biased, corrupt, and unconstitutional policing has fed a growing call for accountability, and for decreasing police funding and re-allocating those funds to education, housing, transportation, and other programs that support real community safety.
Action Alert: No police “no-knock” warrants
Jewish tradition teaches us that destroying one life is akin to destroying the entire world. Police violence and systemic racism against Black and brown people have already destroyed too many lives in Montgomery County, but we have a chance to change that right now.
Action Alert: Tell Baltimore to fund rental assistance, not police
We need Mayor Young to use the cut BPD funds towards rental assistance, so that we can aggressively work to avoid a widespread housing crisis.
Action Alert: Maryland needs a special session!
Tell the Maryland General Assembly that they must take action before January.
Tweet DC Council and say NO budget cuts
Urge DC Council to eliminate the entire Metropolitan Police Department budget increase, and to further cut the budget.
Rapid Response: Tell DC Council NO backroom budget cuts
Urge DC Council to eliminate the entire Metropolitan Police Department budget increase, and to further cut the budget.
Action Alert: tell Montgomery County to let us vote for fair taxes
As the extent of our county’s financial hardship in this pandemic becomes clearer, we must be able to raise revenue in a way that is moral and that ensures everyone pays their fair share.
Action Alert: Tell the Baltimore County Council Our Local Police Must Change
Updated 8/24: Tell the Baltimore County Council to hold police accountable.
Racial Equity Commitments
On July 1, 2020, the JUFJ Board of Directors approved the following racial equity commitments that will guide our work in the months ahead:
Action Alert: Tell DC Council To Fund Emergency Needs
Urge DC Council to eliminate the entire Metropolitan Police Department budget increase, and to further cut the budget.
Update: #CancelTheRent and Prevent Evictions
On July 25, Maryland courts will reopen for eviction proceedings. As that day rapidly approaches, the number of Maryland renters unable to make their rent payments increases. JUFJ and our coalition partners are working to highlight the urgency of this situation, and demand that Governor Hogan take action for renter relief:
Action Alert: Tell DC Council on Twitter to cut police funding and invest in true safety
Urge DC Council to eliminate the entire Metropolitan Police Department budget increase, and to further cut the budget.
Action Alert: Start Defunding BPD
To defund Baltimore police, first we need to give Council the authority to change the budget.
Action Alert: Tell the Governor to protect Maryland renters!
In the current international health crisis, more action must be taken to ensure that all Marylanders have all the resources they need to survive. One of the most basic needs, especially with the Governor’s stay-at-home order, is housing. Take action now to demand that Governor Hogan provide critical resources to our most vulnerable communities.
Action Alert: DC Council must ask those with the greatest resources to pay their fair share
Urge DC Council to raise revenue by asking the wealthiest to pay their fair share.
Action Alert: Ask your state legislators to commit to real police accountability!
We must be able to hold police accountable to the people and communities they hurt. Fill out our action alert to urge your state legislators to commit to passing these five reforms.
Black Lives Matter: Car Rally in Montgomery County
Black Lives Matter in Montgomery County.
Cancel Rent: Keep People in their Homes
Governor Hogan: People must be able to stay in their homes throughout the COVID-19 crisis.
Make calls to Baltimore City Council!
This week, we all have a critical opportunity to take action to reduce the Baltimore City Police budget and invest in Black communities. Sign up to make calls to the Mayor, Council President and Council representative!
Action Alert: Decrease BPD funding!
We, as Baltimore residents, must collectively advocate for less funding for police and more funding for departments we really need, such as education, housing & community development, and health.
Lo Tirtzach: Black Lives Matter
This past weekend, we celebrated Shavuot, the holiday when Jews recommit to our covenant and commitment to Torah, symbolized by our acceptance of the ten commandments. The commandment ringing in our ears most loudly as we return from this holiday into yet another whirlwind of police violence against Black Americans is this one: Thou shalt not murder.
Demand justice for renters
JUFJ recently joined a new campaign for rent relief in Maryland. Here are the first steps you can take with us.
Shmita: what is it?
Shmita means “release” and unlike many mitzvoth which are based on individual participation, shmita relies on both personal and communal participation.
Action Alert: Tell Chairman Mendelson to lead a Just Recovery
Ask Chairman Mendelson to continue standing with DC’s families and workers throughout the budget process.
Our Budget as a Moral Document: Montgomery County FY21 Budget
The Montgomery County Council has taken their final vote on the FY21 budget, but there are many critical decisions yet to be made. The work continues!
Campaign Announcement: BRU Right to Counsel
Baltimore City rent court is completely tilted in favor of landlords. We’re working to fix that.
Action Alert: Sign up to write testimony for a #JustRecoveryDC
Tell DC Council: We need a just recovery!
Action Alert: Demand rent relief in Baltimore!
UPDATE: Fill out our action alert to ask Mayor Young for immediate rental relief during the crisis, and thank the Councilmembers who are calling for water justice for all Baltimoreans.
Campaign Announcement: #JustRecoveryDC
We must not just recover from the impacts of COVID-19; we must recover justly. We have a chance now to rebuild our city and our world. Let’s not rebuild the same world with the same cracks. Let us rebuild a better world, a more equitable world, a more just world. DC needs a truly just recovery.
Bonimot Tzedek Action Alert: #FreeThemAllMD
It is crucial – now, more than ever – that everyone stays safe and healthy during this unthinkably scary time. In Bonimot Tzedek, we are focusing on helping immigrants in ICE detention centers get basic medical needs during the time of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our large-scale demand is to free all immigrants in Maryland detention centers, but at the very least, we encourage Governor Hogan to take steps to ensure that detainees are safe from Covid-19.
Action Alert: Protect Paid Family and Medical Leave
Big business lobbyists are at it again — in the midst of a global health pandemic, they are demanding DC cancel its forthcoming paid family and medical leave insurance program in order to line their pockets. Take action now to protect DC’s Paid Family and Medical Leave program.
Join a JUFJ Virtual Watch Party
Democracy is not on hold because of COVID. Join us for virtual watch parties and be part of the movement for a moral Montgomery County budget!
Action Alert: Protect Local Democracy
Take action now to make sure DC residents have a voice in our local government during this crisis.
Action Alert: keep Montgomery County renters safe
During this public health emergency, it is vital that people be able to stay secure in their homes. But many vulnerable Montgomery County residents can barely meet their monthly rent payments and have no financial safety net. Tell the County to support safe and stable housing for all renters.
Action Alert: Demand water justice in Baltimore!
UPDATE: Fill out our action alert to ask Mayor Young for immediate relief from water bills during the crisis, and thank the Councilmembers who are calling for water justice for all Baltimoreans.
“No Time To Care: A Plague on Our Communities” Haggadah
The Haggadah for our 2020 Social Justice Seder is now available for download, use, and incorporation into your seder.
“And We Cry Out” Haggadah
The Haggadah for our 2020 Labor Seder is now available for download, use, and incorporation into your seder.
Action Alert: Tell the Governor to protect incarcerated Marylanders!
Fill out our action alert below asking Governor Hogan to issue an executive order that limits new admissions to jails and prisons, the immediate release of members of vulnerable populations, as defined by the CDC, as well as those in pretrial detention, who are being held for civil immigration offenses, or those with sentences that will soon expire.
Action Alert: Protect DC Childcare
Child care is essential to families, and the services it provides are a cornerstone of a healthy, vibrant economy. The COVID-19 pandemic is now placing these essential services in impossible positions. Fill out our action alert now to tell DC Council and the Mayor: save child care for DC children under 3!
Organization Sign On: DC COVID-19 Relief
DC government’s efforts to cope with the pandemic must not leave anyone behind. Sign the open letter to the Mayor and the Council.
Action Alert: Tell the Governor to protect our most vulnerable communities across Maryland!
In the current international health crisis, more action must be taken to ensure that all Marylanders have all the resources they need to survive. One of the most basic needs, especially with the Governor’s stay-at-home order, is housing. Take action now to demand that Governor Hogan provide critical resources to our most vulnerable communities.
Action Alert: Protect Local Democracy
Montgomery County Council needs to allow people to testify remotely during this crisis. Take action now to make sure the people have a voice in our local government during this crisis.
A turbulent and short Annapolis session
The General Assembly session ended last week. Now it’s time to reflect on all that we’ve accomplished this year, and how our work continues.
Action Alert: Demand real community policing
Baltimore police must serve and protect all Baltimoreans, not treat Black residents as potential criminals. We only have until March 18 to make our voices heard.
Be strong and courageous: JUFJ community in a time of pandemic
A message from Rabbi Elizabeth Richman on JUFJ’s response to COVID-19.
Annapolis Action Alert: Protect Farmworkers’ Wages
The Maryland Senate just voted to cut some workers out of the minimum wage law. Take action now to block this cruel bill in the House of Delegates.
Action Alert: Keep Montgomery County Children Safe
Police in schools have led to the criminalization of ordinary student behavior, disproportionately targeting Black boys and students with disabilities. This systemic injustice is already a danger to adults and to high school students in Montgomery County, and now the County wants to expand this danger to middle schools. Tell the County to reject the criminalization of children and not to put cops in middle schools.
Annapolis Action Alert: Wrongful Conviction Compensation
All people should be treated with dignity and respect, especially if they have been wrongfully incarcerated. Ask your state legislators to compensate people who have faced wrongful convictions.
In Your Face: The 2020 Mayor’s Budget Engagement Forums
Thomas Friedman and I are not on the same page politically, but I have started obeying a piece of his advice: “If you want to get something done in the world, never forget – ultimately – you have to get out of Facebook and into somebody’s face.”
Annapolis Action Alert: Dignity not Detention and Trust Acts
Everyone should be safe in our state, regardless of documentation. Tell your legislators in Annapolis to support dignity and safety for undocumented Marylanders.
Annapolis Action Alert: Lead Safety for Renters
Everyone has a right to safe, stable, and affordable housing. Tell your state legislators on the Environment and Transportation Committee to demand safe housing for all renters.
Annapolis Action Alert: MVA Privacy Act
All people have a right to be safe and to thrive in our state, regardless of immigration status or documentation. Ask your legislators to support HB892/SB649.
Annapolis Action Alert: Child Interrogation Protection Act
We need to prevent unjust incarceration of minors and ensure that all children are able to speak to an attorney and have their guardians notified before police are able to interrogate them. Ask your legislators who serve on the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee and the House Judiciary Committee to support the Child Interrogation Protection Act.
Annapolis Action Alert: Expand the Vote
Our democratic system must be accessible to everyone who has the legal right to vote, even if they are incarcerated. Ask your legislators who serve on the Ways & Means and Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs committees to support the Expand the Vote Act.
Annapolis Action Alert: Women’s Pre-Release Facility
We need to support Marylanders to successfully return from incarceration into the rest of society, and right now we are failing Maryland women, who don’t have the supports in place that we have in place for other people in pre-release. Ask your legislators who serve on the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee and the House Judiciary Committee to support women’s pre-release services.
Victory! General Assembly Overrides Hogan’s Veto of Education Justice for Immigrants
All people have a right to be safe and to thrive in Maryland, regardless of immigration status or documentation. That includes access to quality public education.
Annapolis Action Alert: Support Paid Family and Medical Leave
Nobody should have to choose between their job and caring for their family. Tell your state legislators to support paid family and medical leave.
Major #PaidLeave4DC milestone announcement!
Earlier this month, the DC Government released the final proposed rules that will govern the District’s forthcoming paid family and medical leave program, set to go into effect in July.
Annapolis Action Alert: Hold Maryland Police Accountable
Law enforcement should serve and protect everyone, but Black and brown Marylanders are facing systemic violence and over-policing every day. Tell your state legislators to speak out for transparent and accountable policing.
The People Will Win: Reflections on the 2020 DC Community Meeting
On Sunday, January 12, over seventy local activists gathered together for JUFJ’s 2020 Community Meeting. During the event, JUFJ leader Scott Goldstein shared that on his great-grandmother’s grave are inscribed the following words: “The people will win.”
Action Alert: Reform Baltimore Police Interrogation Policy
The Baltimore Police Department is revising their policies on youth interrogation and is accepting public comment until December 13. Tell them that their policy is not in line with our values.
#TestimonyTuesday: Mold in Baltimore
Mold is dangerous to everyone, but some people are especially vulnerable, like the many Baltimore children who suffer from asthma. Despite this danger, Baltimore’s housing code does not protect vulnerable renters from the breathing problems, headaches, and worse conditions caused by mold.
Action Alert: Tell Mayor Young to support Fair Elections!
Voters decided in 2018 that we wanted Fair Elections when we supported Question H at the ballot box. Now Councilman Burnett’s bill is making Fair Elections a reality, and the Council has unanimously supported the bill. Encourage the Mayor to sign the bill into law!
Jews United for Justice Unionizes with NPEU
Today, the employees of Jews United for Justice (JUFJ) announced that they are unionizing with the Nonprofit Professional Employees Union (NPEU). JUFJ management has voluntarily recognized its staff’s union.
Action Alert: DC Council, Expel Jack Evans
Tell the DC Council to expel Councilmember Evans for his corruption.
Action Alert: Thanks for fighting for water justice!
Baltimore’s unjust water policy disproportionately burdens Black families, but now the Water Accountability and Equity Act has passed! Thank the Mayor, the Council President, and your Councilmember for holding firm for truly fair and equitable access to water for everyone in Baltimore.
Thanks for celebrating with us at the 2019 Heschel Vision Awards!
Last Sunday, hundreds of people came together to celebrate local organizing and to lift up powerful honorees SEIU 32BJ, Bruce and Susie Turnbull, Betsy Krieger and Karen Kreisberg, and keynote speaker George Derek Musgrove. We heard how they’ve helped shape our community from the folks who know their work best.
Action Alert: Tell Delegate Rosenberg to Continue Supporting Accountable Policing!
Officers’ disciplinary records should be available to the public, to increase trust and accountability between the community and the police. We urge Delegate Rosenberg to stand strong in his support and continue to be a leader.
Action Alert: Tell Montgomery County Council to support racial equity
After a year long community engagement process, the Montgomery County Council is about to vote on a new Racial Equity and Social Justice policy for Montgomery County that will help our government treat everyone fairly and with dignity. Write to them to support this important policy change.
UPDATED Action Alert: Tell the Council to support accountable policing
Montgomery County police need to be accountable to the people of Montgomery County. Tell the Council to support real civilian oversight of the police.
Action Alert: Tell the Council to support fair elections
Voters decided in 2018 that we wanted Fair Elections when we supported Question H at the ballot box. Now Councilman Burnett’s bill is making the Fair Elections Fund a reality.
Action Alert: Water Justice Means Racial Justice
Baltimore’s unjust water policy disproportionately burdens Black families. Write to the Mayor and the Council to tell them: Water justice means racial justice.
Action Alert: End Baltimore Police gag orders!
After years of police misconduct and abuse, everyone in our city knows that we need to hold our police department accountable.
Silencing victims of police brutality through gag orders is the opposite of accountability.
Action Alert: Congratulations, Senator Ferguson and Speaker Jones!
Baltimore State Senator Bill Ferguson (D46) has been selected by his party as their nominee to be the next Senate President in Annapolis. This spring, Baltimore Delegate Adrienne Jones (D10) was elected by her colleagues as the next Speaker of the House. Send your representative an email saying congratulations, and reminding them of our 2020 priorities.
REPORT: Restore the Vote Hearing
Central to our practice of teshuva is the idea that we all have the capacity to change, to learn from our mistakes and to repair harm that we create. It calls us to give people second chances. There are few things about our criminal justice system that actually repair harm and support people through transformation.
Announcing our Annapolis 2020 Campaigns
JUFJ members, staff, and partners gathered in Laurel as the new year began to choose our 2020 campaigns for justice in Maryland. Here is what our community chose:
Immigrant Justice in 5780
An update on JUFJ’s work alongside immigrants and advocates to protect the rights and the safety of local people and communities. Whether it’s at the border or here in our own neighborhoods, schools, local businesses, and courts, we have seen this before, and we will not allow it to continue here.
REPORT: Ward 2 Candidates Pitch Themselves as Ethical Alternatives in First Forum
Six candidates for Ward 2 DC Council gathered in Dupont last month with hundreds of voters for a forum to kick off the 2020 election season. JUFJ co-hosted the forum along with the DC Working Families Party, DC for Democracy, and others.
A demonstrably false portrait of immigrants as violent criminals
On Friday, September 13, I came face to face with right-wing extremists and neo-Nazis right here in my own backyard.
Action Alert: Chairman Mendelson, Stand Up to Corruption
Tell the DC Council Chair to fully investigate Councilmember Evans’ corruption.
Action Alert: Montgomery County welcomes immigrants
Tell County Executive Elrich and the County Council that Montgomery County prides itself on welcoming immigrants.
Action Alert: Tell Montgomery County to stand with immigrants
Immigrants in Montgomery County who are detained by ICE need lawyers. Tell the County Council that ALL of them should have access to deportation defense funding.
Action Alert: Support Incarcerated DC Youth
Tell DC Council that everyone deserves a second chance and that mass incarceration doesn’t help our community.
Action Alert: Paid Family Leave should be for everyone
Tell DC that everyone should have access to Paid Family Leave.
ICE out of Howard County!
Tisha B’Av Rally to #CloseTheCamps speech by Leslie Salgado, Chair of Friends of Latin America
Talk to your ANC about Birth-to-3 for All DC
Jews United for Justice is joining our partners in the Birth to Three DC coalition to raise awareness and build public support for DC’s revolutionary new law for universal childcare and full wraparound services for all kids in DC from prenatal care until age three, the Birth To Three For All Act.
Organization Sign On: Howard County, stop profiting off of ICE
Howard County is enabling and profiting off of ICE cruelty. Sign the open letter to the County Executive to end this agreement.
Action Alert: Tell Howard County to stop profiting off of ICE
Howard County is enabling and profiting off of ICE cruelty. Tell the County Executive to end this agreement.
Thank You: Justice Work as Keva
Before I started at JUFJ, justice work often felt arai. It was the movable part of my life, something I tried to fit into the “fixed” parts of my schedule. This wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. Life is full of different responsibilities, to others and oneself. In contrast, working at JUFJ has given me the privilege to be part of a community where working for justice is keva.
Press Release: JUFJ supports Tonya Chapman for Montgomery County Police Chief
County Executive Elrich’s nominee is the right person to build a strong, trusting relationship between MCPD and the residents of Montgomery County.
Action Alert: Thank County Executive Elrich for Signing a Trust Order
Montgomery County is the safest place in the region to be an immigrant. Thank Marc Elrich for his executive order.
Update: Never Again
JUFJ has been working for years alongside immigrants and advocates in Maryland and DC to protect the rights and the safety of local people and communities. Whether it’s at the border or here in our own neighborhoods, schools, local businesses, and courts, we have seen this before, and we will not allow it to continue here.
You Had Me at “Coffee”
In the wake of the 2016 election, I felt compelled to do something. The specific something was less clear. I pride myself on my twin abilities to show up and carry things. It’s amazing how far those two skills will take you in life.
#TestimonyTuesday: Sara Nathan, Montgomery County Police and ICE
Montgomery County police questioned my former student and his father on May 20. They expected to return home that afternoon. Instead, the county police turned them over to ICE and they remain locked up in Jessup.
Action Alert: Thank DC Councilmembers Voting For Ethical Government
Thank the six DC Councilmembers who spoke up and voted for ethical governance in our city.
Lights for Liberty Readings
JUFJ member Virginia Spatz prepared these readings and prayers for those who want to join us in their Shabbat observances at home or in their own congregations or minyans. Feel free to use these texts in your Shabbat observance in whatever way makes sense to you.
Birth to Three DC Summer Actions
Jews United for Justice is joining our partners in the Birth to Three DC coalition to raise awareness and build public support for DC’s revolutionary new law for universal childcare and full wraparound services for all kids in DC from prenatal care until age three, the Birth To Three For All Act.
Report: Racial Equity Community Conversation
On Tuesday, June 18, JUFJ hosted a Racial Equity Community Conversation to discuss systemic racism in Montgomery County and to provide feedback to county government as they craft a racial equity policy. Here are reflections on the event from two JUFJers.
Rabbi Alana Suskin at the memorial for Robert White
Rabbi Alana Suskin spoke at the memorial for Robert White, who was shot and killed by a Montgomery County police officer last summer while walking through his own neighborhood. Here is what she said:
The cruel and unjustifiable actions of ICE in our homes and along the border cannot be tolerated. JUFJ has fought alongside immigrants in DC and Maryland to protect their rights as members of our communities and as human beings, from the right to a public education and a legal defense to the basic protections of safety and shelter.
Update: Water/Color Press Conference
Baltimore City desperately needs Fair Elections. Public financing of elections allows more diverse candidates to run, more opportunities for candidates to meet with regular voters rather than wealthy donors, and more voices to be heard in the political process.
Make Your Voice Heard on Racial Justice in Montgomery County
There has been one disturbing story after another about how Black and Brown people are mistreated by police. JUFJer Melissa Goemann shares those stories and ways to get involved to reform policing.
Report: Montgomery County Police Chief Forum
On June 6, JUFJ members attended a public forum on policing with Montgomery County Executive Elrich and Council Member Will Jawando. Read some of their reflections.
Report: Legislator Lag Ba’Omer
JUFJ met with many of Montgomery County’s State Senators and Delegates at our Legislator Lag Ba’Omer picnic last month. Thanks to all of the elected officials who joined us!
Update: Baltimore Fair Elections
Baltimore City desperately needs Fair Elections. Public financing of elections allows more diverse candidates to run, more opportunities for candidates to meet with regular voters rather than wealthy donors, and more voices to be heard in the political process.
DC candidates: Choose Fair Elections
Tell DC 2020 candidates to participate in the Fair Elections program!
DC chooses to #PutPeopleFirst in our budget!
DC’s whirlwind budget season is winding down, and thanks to sustained advocacy and courageous community leadership there’s a lot to celebrate! JUFJ fought for a budget that will #PutPeopleFirst, and our coalitions made some important progress. Here’s some of what community activism achieved this budget cycle.
Action Alert: DC Council, #PutPeopleFirst!
Tell DC Council to #PutPeopleFirst in our budget!
#TestimonyTuesday: Anita Lampel, Montgomery County Budget
I am Anita Lampel. I live in Bethesda and I am active in local advocacy with Jews United for Justice. Thank you for letting me speak in support of funding for Early Childhood Education in Montgomery County.
#TestimonyTuesday: Marilyn Kresky-Wolff, Montgomery County Budget
My name is Marilyn Kresky-Wolff and today I am representing Jews United for Justice. The Jewish tradition of Tikkun Olam, meaning Repairing the World, teaches us that the best way to enable those less fortunate in society is to give them tools for self-sufficiency.
Mazel Tov, Speaker Jones!
On May 1, 2019, Delegate Adrienne Jones of Baltimore County (District 10) was elected the Speaker of the House of Delegates. Mazel tov / congratulations to Speaker Jones!
#TestimonyTuesday: Brian Johnson: Fight for $15
My name is Brian A. Johnson; and as an Iraq Army Veteran who is an American Descendant of Slaves (ADOS), I urge you to pass SB280.I believe in raising the minimum wage to $15 by 2023 (or sooner) with annual COLA thereafter. Though I moved to Baltimore City in 2013, the narrative that makes up a majority of predominantly ADOS communities was all too familiar to me: redlined neighborhoods, abandoned factories, and abject poverty.
#TestimonyTuesday: Lauren Robertson, Birth to Three for All DC
My students did not come to me from nowhere on that first day of school. I was not their first teacher. Families told me tales of a patchwork of child care and early childhood services, cobbled together for their child’s first three years.
#TestimonyTuesday: Jane, Birth to Three for All DC
Babies and toddlers learn best from face-to-face interactions with caring adults. Parent education and quality center-based care help kids learn language, and language skills help kids succeed in school later on.
#TestimonyTuesday: Mariah Cowsert, Birth to Three for All DC
The costs of child care in DC are the highest in the country yet educators who work with infants and toddlers are among the lowest paid workers in the District. Funding the Birth to Three For All DC Act would help bridge gaps in economic inequalities in the District for not only the young children and families it centers but for the workers it strengthens resources and salaries for.
#TestimonyTuesday: Travis Ballie, Birth to Three for All DC
I do not have kids and I have no plans to have kids. I am here today because I am seeing my Ward 7 neighbors who do have families hurting and being pushed out of DC because they cannot choose between paying the rent and paying childcare.
#TestimonyTuesday: Sarah Novick, REAR Act
I believe, and most people in our society believe, everyone should have a fair chance in life, a say in democracy, a decent place to live. But in our city, Black and brown people have less wealth, worse schools, and less access to jobs and economic opportunity.
#TestimonyTuesday: You, yes YOU, can testify!
I have lived in DC for nearly 15 years but until last month I had no idea that individual residents could testify before the Council. In fact, and I am slightly embarrassed to admit this, I had never set foot in my Councilmembers’ offices in the Wilson Building.
#TestimonyTuesday: Jerry Kickenson, Limiting Solitary Confinement
Jewish law and tradition, while supporting the necessity of punishing the guilty, also tempers that punishment. The Torah even refers to the guilty person as our “brother,” reminding us that although worthy of punishment, the guilty one is still a human being like us who should not be unnecessarily degraded.
#TestimonyTuesday: Tasha Link, Limiting Solitary Confinement
My name is Natasha Robinson-Link. I am a resident of Baltimore City’s 45th legislative district, and I am a member of Jews United for Justice. I am testifying in support of HB1001.
#TestimonyTuesday: Andy Miller, Limiting Solitary Confinement
I am a voter in District 11, Delegate Jon Cardin’s district, and I submit this testimony in favor of HB745 and HB1001 as a private citizen concerned about the excessive use in Maryland correctional facilities of restrictive housing. I have read extensively on this topic, and learned from lawyers working on this issue and from formerly incarcerated individuals who had personal experience with restrictive housing. I believe this practice is barbaric and violates fundamental tenets of my Jewish faith.
#TestimonyTuesday: Bianca Palmisano, Limiting Solitary Confinement
My name is Bianca Palmisano and I am a nursing student at Johns Hopkins School of Nursing, a resident of District 46, and a volunteer with Jews United for Justice. I’m writing today to support HB 1029, the Restrictive Housing Reform Act of 2019, because I believe, and Jewish tradition teaches, that everyone, including incarcerated people deserves respect and basic human dignity, which is too often stripped away when they enter restrictive housing.
Action Alert: DC Council, Fund Our Children!
Email the DC Council to let them know that our budget should help all DC kids thrive!
#TestimonyTuesday: Nayda Kuachusri, Limiting Solitary Confinement
My name is Nayda Kuachusri and I have been a public defender for over ten years and am currently a Jeremiah Fellow with Jews United for Justice. I write this testimony in support of House Bill 1002.
#TestimonyTuesday: Jo Shifrin, Limiting Solitary Confinement
Maryland’s restrictive housing, in which two prisoners are held in a cell no bigger than a parking space for 22 hours a day, does not rehabilitate inmates or prepare them to rejoin society. The trauma caused by restrictive housing is comparable to the effect of solitary confinement.The harm we do to inmates kept in restrictive housing creates damaged human beings who have a harder time integrating into society and may pose a risk to members of our communities and themselves.
We made it through the Annapolis session!
The General Assembly session ended on Monday night. Now it’s time to reflect on all that we’ve accomplished this year, and how our work continues.
Ariana’s Labor Seder Speech
Hello! I’m Ariana, I’m 17, I’m an intern at Jews United For Justice and I’ve been working here since September. Before I started working at JUFJ I had school, a job, and various things going on but I never felt like I was doing anything. It took me a while to figure out what I felt like I was supposed to be doing. I had always been interested in social justice, in change but in an abstract way. I never really realized that regular people could make a difference.
Action Alert: Make water affordable for all Baltimoreans!
Tell the acting Mayor to make water affordable and water bills accountable for all Baltimoreans!
Action Alert: Justice for Incarcerated Marylanders!
We’re in the final week of the General Assembly session, and Annapolis needs to hear from you about justice for our incarcerated community members!
Fight for $15 is the law of the land!
We won the Fight for $15! Governor’s veto OVERRIDDEN!
Report: How I Learned to Testify
JUFJer Carol Stern has written lots of testimony for the Maryland General Assembly this year, and she’s here to tell you that you can too!
Report: JUFJ and Jamie Raskin at Oseh Shalom
JUFJer Michael Amster reflects on taking action with JUFJ and Congressman Jamie Raskin
Action Alert: Make the Baltimore Police Department accountable to Baltimoreans!
Annapolis legislators shouldn’t oversee the Baltimore Police Department. Baltimore residents should.
Action Alert: Justice for Workers, Renters, Immigrants, & Incarcerated People!
We’re in the final weeks of the General Assembly session, and Annapolis needs to hear from you about justice for workers, renters, immigrants, and incarcerated people!
LETT Act Testimony: Melissa Coretz Goemann
JUFJ member Melissa Goemann testified for police accountability in Montgomery County.
Action Alert: Fight for $15 passed the Senate! Now what?
The Maryland State Senate just passed a $15 minimum wage bill!! Here’s what happens next and what you can do to help.
Action Alert: Support fair Baltimore County elections!
Tell the Baltimore County Council: our candidates should care about all residents’ needs, not just their donors.
Action Alert: Fight Corruption on DC Council (updated)
Councilmember Evans’ behavior is unethical and unacceptable. Tell the Council: A reprimand is not enough. Evans can’t run our government’s ethics and finances.
Update: No tax breaks for DC mansions…for now!
We blocked a regressive tax cut for the wealthy!! Now what happens?
#TestimonyTuesday: Jeffrey Rubin, Just Cause Eviction
My name is Jeffrey Rubin. I’ve been a resident of Montgomery County since 1986, and am currently Co-Chair of the Jews United for Justice (JUFJ) Economic Justice Team in Maryland. On behalf of JUFJ, I provide this testimony in strong support of Bill MC 22-19.
#TestimonyTuesday: Molly Amster, Water Tax Sale
My name is Molly Amster. I am a resident of Baltimore City’s 43rd legislative district, and am the Baltimore Director of Jews United for Justice (JUFJ), which organizes 5,000 people around the state in support of local social, racial, and economic justice issues. I submit this testimony in support of SB0096 on behalf of JUFJ.
#TestimonyTuesday: Ariana Brenig, Fight for $15
My name is Ariana Brenig and I am testifying in support of HB166: Labor and Employment – Payment of Minimum Wages – Minimum Wage and Enforcement (Fight for Fifteen). I am an intern at Jews United for Justice, an organization which brings together more than 5,000 Marylanders to fight for racial, social, and economic justice. I am also a hostess, which I have been for a year and a half, since I was 16 years old.
#TestimonyTuesday: Samantha Blau, Mandatory Minimums
My name is Samantha Blau, and I am an educator, a resident of Baltimore, and a leader with Jews United for Justice, an organization of 5,000 Jews and allies in Maryland who are working for racial, social, and economic justice. I am testifying today in opposition to SB-166.
#TestimonyTuesday: Natalia Skolnik: Fight for $15
My name is Natalia Skolnik, I live in Baltimore City, and I am here today to testify in favor of HB166, the bill to raise the minimum wage to fifteen dollars an hour. I am a member of Jews United for Justice, an organization of 5,000 Jews and allies in Maryland working for social, racial, and economic justice.
Action Alert: No tax breaks for DC mansions!
Sign the open letter to DC Council saying that you want to pay your property taxes, not lose nearly $40 million for vital programs!
Victory for Renters’ Rights!
Together, we stopped the landlord lobby from making Rent Court even more unfair to tenants.
Report: Bowser’s Budget Forums
JUFJer Annie Rosenthal reports back from her first Mayor’s Budget Engagement Forums.
Action Alert: Fight for $15 is in the Senate!
Tell your representatives in Annapolis: don’t stand in the way of a raise for your constituents.
URGENT Action Alert: Fight for $15 Committee Vote!
Tell your Delegates in Annapolis: don’t cut anyone out of the Fight for $15!
#TestimonyTuesday: Montgomery County Young Democrats, Fight for $15
We are writing on behalf of the Montgomery County Young Democrats (MCYD), a group of young Democrats who are active at the state and local level in support of policies that will benefit all Americans. We urge a favorable report on HB 166, which would raise the minimum wage in Maryland to $15 per hour by July 2023.
#TestimonyTuesday: Mark Wolff, Fight for $15
My name is Mark Wolff, I am a resident of Montgomery County, and I am a member of Jews United for Justice, a Maryland and DC organization advocating for progressive values and local change.
#TestimonyTuesday: Sarah Hiller, Fight for $15
My name is Sarah Hiller. I work as a barista and server at a restaurant in Baltimore City and I am a member of Jews United for Justice. I am here in strong support of HB166.
#TestimonyTuesday: Jeffrey Rubin, Fight for $15
My name is Jeffrey Rubin. I am the son of a small business owner, a Maryland resident since 1986, and an active member of JUFJ. I provide this testimony in strong support of an increase in the minimum wage as outlined in HB166.
#TestimonyTuesday: Dana Lande, Fight for $15
My name is Dana Lande and I am a homeowner and small business owner in Rockville. I am also a member of Jews United for Justice. I am testifying today in favor of HB166, to raise the minimum wage in Maryland to $15 per hour and subsequently index it to the rate of inflation.
#TestimonyTuesday: Rabbi Jeremy Kridel, Fight for $15
My name is Jeremy Kridel. I am the Rabbi at Machar, the Washington Congregation for Secular Humanistic Judaism; about 60% of Machar’s congregants live in Maryland. I am a leader at Jews United for Justice, which counts as its members more than 5,000 Jews and allies in Maryland. I am also a resident of Maryland, residing in District 12.
Action Alert: Justice for immigrants, renters, and incarcerated people
Time is running out! Tell Annapolis now: treat your constituents with dignity and respect.
Action Alert: Tell Your Senator to Fight for $15!
Tell your Senators in Annapolis: 700,000 Marylanders deserve a raise!
UPDATED Action Alert: Tell Your Delegate to Fight for $15!
Tell your Delegates in Annapolis: 700,000 Marylanders deserve a raise!