JUFJ Baltimore is working on campaigns to reform our city’s rent court, to fight mass incarceration and racist policing, to establish fair elections, and to make water affordable for all Baltimoreans. We collaborate with JUFJers across the state during the Maryland General Assembly session to win things like paid sick leave, and to block dangerous legislation that targets poor Black and brown Marylanders.

Our ongoing community education work includes Jewish learning programs with local synagogues and havurot, where we explore how our traditions call us to work for social justice.

Related Events

  • Maryland Youth Justice Shabbat and Solidarity Week

    January 24February 2

    Dozens of congregations and organizations across Maryland are participating in Youth Justice Shabbat and Solidarity Week to engage in collective conversations about Jewish texts, how they connect to youth justice, and the ways we can build a more just and safe Maryland for children and adults alike.

  • Maryland Youth Justice Teach-In

    January 26 | 1:00 pm2:30 pm

    Join Jews United for Justice and Beth Am for a youth justice teach-in!

  • Maryland Economic Justice Working Group Meeting

    January 29 | 7:00 pm8:00 pm

    Jewish tradition teaches that in a just world, all people — regardless of race, income, or zip code — would have what the Torah calls dei machsoro, resources sufficient for their needs. Join us for our Maryland Economic Justice Working Group Meeting as we discuss how to pass the Fair Share for M…

  • Maryland Youth Justice Working Group Meeting

    January 29 | 8:15 pm9:15 pm

    Jewish sacred texts teach us that the world was created with both justice and mercy. Here in Maryland, children who are charged with certain crimes are sentenced as if they were adults. That is neither just nor merciful. Join JUFJ’s youth justice working group as we discuss the campaign to pass yout…

Baltimore Staff