In DC Affordable Housing, MD Housing Justice, Washington, DC

The DC Council is voting TODAY on three important bills, and they need to hear from you about why they should vote YES on all three! Contact your Councilmembers by phone, email, or Twitter and tell them:

  1. Vote YES on the “Wage Garnishment Fairness Amendment Act of 2018” (Bill 22-572). DC’s outdated practices disproportionately hurt low and middle income residents who rely on every dollar they earn to pay their bills and break cycles of poverty. (This legislation would provide advance notice and limit garnishment to 25% of a worker’s weekly disposable wages that exceed 40x the DC minimum wage.)
  2. Vote YES on the “Campaign Finance Reform Amendment Act of 2018” (Bill 22-107).  This legislation begins to curb pay-to-play politics, reforms oversight of DC’s campaign finance laws, and addresses improper campaign coordination. It will make DC government more responsive to District residents.
  3. Vote YES on the “Vacancy Increase Reform Amendment Act of 2018” (Bill 22-0025).  This bill will stabilize rent for tenants and allow landlords to make necessary repairs and upgrades to vacant units by reasonably capping rent increases at 10%. Vote NO on all amendments to weaken this important legislation and pass it as it is.
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