DC candidates: Choose Fair Elections
Tell DC 2020 candidates to participate in the Fair Elections program!
DC chooses to #PutPeopleFirst in our budget!
DC’s whirlwind budget season is winding down, and thanks to sustained advocacy and courageous community leadership there’s a lot to celebrate! JUFJ fought for a budget that will #PutPeopleFirst, [...]
#TestimonyTuesday: Anita Lampel, Montgomery County Budget
I am Anita Lampel. I live in Bethesda and I am active in local advocacy with Jews United for Justice. Thank you for letting me speak in support of funding for Early Childhood Education in [...]
#TestimonyTuesday: Marilyn Kresky-Wolff, Montgomery County Budget
My name is Marilyn Kresky-Wolff and today I am representing Jews United for Justice. The Jewish tradition of Tikkun Olam, meaning Repairing the World, teaches us that the best way to enable those [...]
Mazel Tov, Speaker Jones!
On May 1, 2019, Delegate Adrienne Jones of Baltimore County (District 10) was elected the Speaker of the House of Delegates. Mazel tov / congratulations to Speaker Jones!
#TestimonyTuesday: Brian Johnson: Fight for $15
My name is Brian A. Johnson; and as an Iraq Army Veteran who is an American Descendant of Slaves (ADOS), I urge you to pass SB280.I believe in raising the minimum wage to $15 by 2023 (or sooner) [...]
#TestimonyTuesday: Lauren Robertson, Birth to Three for All DC
My students did not come to me from nowhere on that first day of school. I was not their first teacher. Families told me tales of a patchwork of child care and early childhood services, cobbled [...]
#TestimonyTuesday: Jane, Birth to Three for All DC
Babies and toddlers learn best from face-to-face interactions with caring adults. Parent education and quality center-based care help kids learn language, and language skills help kids succeed in [...]